Street-Fighting Men
DeGroot, G.
History Today
Taylor, W. (2002)
Comparing with caution: thoughts on aspects of higher education policy and practice
History of Education
Gildea, R. (2008)
1968 in 2008
McGrogan, M. (2008)
Art on the Street
Cohen, S. (1996)
Postmoderism, The New Cultural History, Film: Resisting Images of Education
Paedagogica Historica
Taylor Allen, A. (1997)
Autonomy or Institution? Origins and Development of Women's Studies in the United States and Germany, 1965-1981
Hopkins, E. (1974)
Working Class Attitudes to Education in the Black Country in the Mid-Nineteenth Century
History of Education Society Bulletin
Aldrich, R. (1975)
Association of Ideas: The National Association for the Promotion of Social Science
Jones, D. (1974)
The Educational Legacy of the Anti-Corn Law League
Derrington, A. (1973)
The National Education Association of Great Britain 1889-1959. A Short Account and Bibliography
Williams, A.R. (1973)
A Deputation of the National Education League
Roderick, G., Stephens, M.D. (1969)
University Finance: Public or Private?
McClelland, V.A. (1969)
The University Tests Act, 1871, and Roman Catholic Counter-Measures
Simon, J. (1973)
University and Society 1500-1640: Methods of Research
Nutton, V. (1975)
Museums and medical schools in classical antiquity
Jardine, L. (1975)
Humanism in the Sixteenth Century Cambridge Arts Course