History, Medical Humanities and Medical Education
Dolan, B.
Social History of Medicine
Godwin, C.D. (2000)
'A most cantankerous group and awkward bunch': The Study Group on Government and the Weaver Report (1966)
History of Education
Jenkins, E.W. (1998)
The Association for Science Education and the struggle to establish a policy for school science in England and Wales, 1976-81
Jones, K., Davies, H. (2001)
Representing education 1969-80: notes on 'Kes' and 'Grange Hill'
Godwin, C.D. (2003)
Policy-making without partners: the NACTST and its demise 1965-73
Woodin, T. (2005)
Building culture from the bottom up: the educational origins of the Federation of Worker Writers and Community Publishers
O'Flynn, K. (2004)
'Intellectual Athletes': Changing Selection Criteria for London Medical Schools from 1918-1939 to 2002
History of Education Researcher
Schlumbohm, J. (2007)
The Practice of Practical Education: Male Students and Female Apprentices in the Lying-in Hospital of Göttingen University, 1792-1815.
Medical History
Hopwood, N. (2007)
Artist versus Anatomist, Models against Dissection: Paul Zeiller of Munich and the Revolution of 1848
Kurzer, F. (2007)
George S V Wills and the Westminster College of Chemistry and Pharmacy: A Chapter in Pharmaceutical Education in Great Britain
Bates, A. W. (2008)
Indecent and Demoralising Representations: Public Anatomy Museums in mid-Victorian England.