Review article: Mapping the Victorian child's inner world
Hendrick, H.
History of Human Sciences
Spence, B.V. (1970)
A College of Education Archive
History of Education Society Bulletin
Argles, M. (1970)
British Government Publications in Education During the Nineteenth Century
Anon (1969)
W.E. Tate on the History of Education
Burch, B. (1968)
Recent Literature on the History of Education
Burch, B. (1969)
Goodrich, M. (1983)
Encyclopaedic literature: child-rearing in the Middle Ages
History of Education
Guttormsson, L. (1991)
Pietism and the definition of childhood: evidence from eighteenth-century Iceland
Sherington, G. (2003)
'Suffer Little Children': British child migration as a study of journeyings between centre and periphery
Musgrave, P.W. (1971)
The Relationship between the Family and Education in England: A Sociological Account
British Journal of Educational Studies
Levene, A. (2006)
Reasonable Creatures: A Common Sense Guide to Childcare
History Today