In liminal tension towards giving birth: Eros, the educator
Arpad Szakolczai
History of Human Sciences
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Clement of Alexandria
History of Education Society Bulletin
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Museums and medical schools in classical antiquity
History of Education
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Augustine and the classical tradition of rhetoric
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The emergence of the small child in Rome (Third century BC-First century AD)
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The Grammatist in Antiquity
McCarthy, J.M. (1969)
John of Salisbury and the Preservation of Sound Pedagogy
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Comenius as a 'Great Educator'
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The visual realism of Comenius
Williams, A.R. (1975)
The Education of the Blathwayts 1766-1781
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Encyclopaedic literature: child-rearing in the Middle Ages
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Pietism and the definition of childhood: evidence from eighteenth-century Iceland
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'Suffer Little Children': British child migration as a study of journeyings between centre and periphery
Musgrave, P.W. (1971)
The Relationship between the Family and Education in England: A Sociological Account
British Journal of Educational Studies
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Reasonable Creatures: A Common Sense Guide to Childcare
History Today