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The UK History of Education Society's Online Bibliography

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    6954 articles returned for your search query

    Kathryn Gleadle and Ryan Hanley (2020)

    Children against slavery: Juvenile agency and the sugar boycotts in Britain

    Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

    Alison John (2020)

    Learning Greek in Late Antique Gaul

    Classical Quarterly

    Helen Sunderland (2020)

    Politics in schoolgirl debating cultures in England, 1886-1914

    Cambridge Historical Journal

    Laura Newman and Felix Driver (2020)

    Kew Gardens and the emergence of the school museum in Britain, 1880-1930

    Cambridge Historical Journal

    Mark J. Clark (2020)

    Hereford and Lincoln Cathedral Libraries during the High Middle Ages

    Journal of Ecclesiastical History

    Petra Caruana Dingli (2020)

    Letters to a Nun: Monastic Music in Early Modern Malta

    Journal of Ecclesiastical History

    Eleanor Parker (2020)

    Serendipity of the Scholars

    History Today

    David Cressy (2020)

    Literacy, Social Structure, and Local Social Dramas

    Local Population Studies

    David Alan Johnson (2020)

    ‘An Underworld in Education’: The Demise of Missouri’s Medical Diploma Mills

    Social History of Medicine

    Joyce Goodman and Sue Anderson-Faithful (2020)

    Turning and twisting histories of women's education: matters of strategy

    Women's History Review

    Maria Tamboukou (2020)

    Archives, genealogies and narratives in women, workers' education

    Women's History Review

    Craig Skerritt and Maija Salokangas (2020)

    Patterns and paths towards privatisation in Ireland

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Erika Shaker (2020)

    Private lessons, public dollars: response to ‘patterns and paths towards privatisation in Ireland’

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Lisl Fenwick (2020)

    Defining opportunities to engage with the discourses of Australia’s ‘education revolution’

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Samuel J. Grubbs (2020)

    The American community college: history, policies and issues

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Terri N. Watson (2020)

    Harlem's ‘motherwork’ post-Brown: implications for urban school leaders

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Catherine Street, James Smith, Kim Robertson, John Guenther, Shane Motlap, Wendy Ludwig, Tracy Woodroffe, Kevin Gillan, Robyn Ober, Steve Larkin, Valda Shannon & Gabrielle Hill (2020)

    Exploring definitions of success in Northern Territory Indigenous higher education policy

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Martin Thrupp, John O'Neill, Darren Powell & Philippa Butler (2020)

    Private actors in New Zealand schooling: the path to saturation

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Vincent S Barraza and Jane L Fiegel (2020)

    Saving the black Catholic experience of Xavier University of Louisiana

    Oral History

    David Jeremy Parry (2020)

    Rhodes Boyson: a Janus of education?

    History of Education

    Allan Jones (2020)

    Science in the making: 1930s citizen science on the BBC

    History of Education

    Elke Kleinau & Lilli Riettiens (2020)

    ‘Nature’ in German colonial literature for children and young people

    History of Education

    Francisca Comas Rubí & Sara González Gómez (2020)

    Natura et urbis in the socio-educational renovation of Barcelona City Council (1909–1933)

    History of Education

    Sjaak Braster & María del Mar del Pozo Andrés (2020)

    From savages to capitalists: progressive images of education in the UK and the USA (1920–1939)

    History of Education

    Dennis A. Ahlburg & Brian P. McCall (2020)

    A very English revolution: the impacts of co-residence at the University of Oxford

    History of Education

    Stéphane Lembré (2020)

    Teachers in écoles d’arts et métiers in nineteenth-century France

    History of Education

    Marilyn A. Lewis (2020)

    'Christ's College and the Latitude-Men' Revisited: A Seminary of Heretics?

    History of Universities

    Roger Ariew (2020)

    Fromondus verus Galileo on Comets

    History of Universities

    Christian Leduc (2020)

    Speculative Philosophy at the Berlin Academy

    History of Universities

    Antonio S. Almeida Aguiar (2020)

    Regenerationism, Physical Education and Sport as Symbols of Modernity in the Canary Islands, 1898–1930

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Cristina López-Villar & Gonzalo Ramírez-Macías (2020)

    Beyond Gym Teachers: Women Who Advocated Female Physical Education in Spain, 1850-1923

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Helen Proctor & Heather Weaver (2020)

    Family, School and the Mass Production of Parenting Advice

    British Journal of Educational Studies

    Cath Gristy, Gayle Letherby & Ruth Watkins (2020)

    Schooling, selection and social mobility over the last 50 years: an exploration through stories of lifelong learning journeys

    British Journal of Educational Studies

    Mariano González-Delgado, Manuel Ferraz Lorenzo & Cristian Machado-Trujillo (2020)

    The concept of the state in textbooks: analysis and reinterpretation during the Spanish transition to democracy (1976-1986)

    British Journal of Educational Studies

    Gary McCulloch (2020)

    Compulsory school attendance and the Elementary Education Act of 1870: 150 years on

    British Journal of Educational Studies

    Stephen G. Parker, Sophie Allen & Rob Freathy (2020)

    The Church of England and the 1870 Elementary Education Act

    British Journal of Educational Studies

    Julia Horne (2020)

    Mass education and university reform in late twentieth century Australia

    British Journal of Educational Studies

    Jayson Seaman, Robert MacArthur, Sean Harrington (2020)

    Dartmouth Outward Bound Center and the rise of experiential education, 1957–1976

    History of Education Review

    Andrew Martin, Geoff Watson, Jan Neuman, Ivana Turcová, Lucie Kalkusová (2020)

    Czech education in nature traditions

    History of Education Review

    Mark Leather, Gil Fewings, Su Porter (2020)

    Outdoor education: the Romantic origins at the University of St Mark and St John

    History of Education Review

    Franklin Vernon (2020)

    The adventure (sex)pedition: revisiting Kurt Hahn's educational aims

    History of Education Review

    Joel Barnes (2020)

    Collegial governance in postwar Australian universities

    History of Education Review

    Marcus Harmes (2020)

    Education in the apocalypse: disaster and teaching on British television

    History of Education Review

    John Pardy (2020)

    Remembering and forgetting the arts of technical education

    History of Education Review

    Helen Sunderland (2020)

    Politics in schoolgirl debating cultures in England, 1886-1914

    Historical Journal

    Laura Newman and Felix Driver (2020)

    Kew Gardens and the emergence of the school museum in Britain, 1880-1930

    Historical Journal

    Kabria Baumgartner (2020)

    Searching for Sarah: Black Girlhood, Education, and the Archive

    History of Education Quarterly

    Laura Micheletti Puaca (2020)

    Home Economics, “Handicapped Homemakers,” and Postwar America

    History of Education Quarterly

    Meredith L. McCoy, Matthew Villeneuve (2020)

    Reconceiving Schooling: Centering Indigenous Experimentation in Indian Education History

    History of Education Quarterly

    Timothy Reese Cain, Rachael Dier (2020)

    Protests and Pushback: Women's Rights, Student Activism, and Institutional Response in the Deep South

    History of Education Quarterly

    E. Masghati (2020)

    The Patronage Dilemma: Allison Davis's Odyssey from Fellow to Faculty

    History of Education Quarterly

    Ken Clayton (2020)

    Christopher Wase and the first national survey of education in England

    History of Education Researcher

    Nikolaos Tompros and Panagiotis Papadouris (2020)

    The Monitorial System of Education in the Ionian State: the Example of Ithaca Primary Schools

    History of Education Researcher

    Alys Blakeway (2020)

    The influential educational Life of Marianne Dyson (1809-1878)

    History of Education Researcher

    Nick Mead (2020)

    Values in teacher education in an era of social democracy in England

    History of Education Researcher

    W. Degler, A.Juen & M. Markert (2020)

    Staging nature in twentieth-century teacher education and classrooms

    Paedagogica Historica

    Sébastien Laffage-Cosnier, Willy Hugedet & Christian Vivier (2020)

    Nature and sport in education: the migration of a school model from France to Canada (1953–1995)

    Paedagogica Historica

    José Pedro Marín Murcia & María José Martínez Ruiz-Funes (2020)

    Froebel and the teaching of botany: the garden in the Kindergarten Model School of Madrid

    Paedagogica Historica

    Lorna R. McLean & Jamilee Baroud (2020)

    Democracy needs education: public performance, peace, and pedagogy, Julia Grace Wales

    Paedagogica Historica

    Yacine Tajri, Jean Saint-Martin & Tony Froissart (2020)

    A crusade against the curve? Physical education for disabled pupils in France after World War II (1945–1958)

    Paedagogica Historica

    Jong-Pil Yoon (2020)

    Recent history wars in South Korea

    Paedagogica Historica

    Simonetta Polenghi & Tanya Fitzgerald (2020)

    Breaking boundaries: women in higher education

    Paedagogica Historica

    Consuelo Flecha-García  (2020)

    The first female lecturers at Spanish universities

    Paedagogica Historica

    Lindsay Paterson (2020)

    The experience of school in Scotland, 1970s to 1990s

    British Educational Research Journal

    Lynne Rogers & Ken Spours (2020)

    The great stagnation of upper secondary education in England: A historical and system perspective

    British Educational Research Journal

    Hannah Anglin-Jaffe (2020)

    Isolation and aspiration: Deaf adults reflect on the educational legacy of special schooling

    British Educational Research Journal

    Morwenna Ludlow and Sophie Lunn-Rockliffe (2019)

    Education and Pleasure in the Early Church: Perspectives from East and West

    Studies in Church History

    Lucy K. Pick (2019)

    Dialogue in the Monastery: Hagiography as a Pedagogical Model

    Studies in Church History

    Eleni Leontidou (2019)

    Penitential Manuscripts and the Teaching of Penance in Carolingian Europe

    Studies in Church History

    Sarah Hamilton (2019)

    Educating the Local Clergy, c900-c.1150

    Studies in Church History

    Caroline Bowden (2019)

    Convent Schooling for English Girls in the 'Exile' Period, 1600-1800

    Studies in Church History

    Mary Clare Martin (2019)

    Catechizing at Home, 1740-1870: Instruction, Communication and Denomination

    Studies in Church History

    Frances Billinge, Gail Ham, Judith Moss and Julia Neville (2019)

    Schools for the Poor in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Devon: Towards an Explanation of Variations in Local Development

    Studies in Church History

    Ryan Mallon (2019)

    Scottish Presbyterianism and the National Education Debates, 1850-62

    Studies in Church History

    Grant Masom (2019)

    Fighting the Tide: Church Schools in South Buckinghamshire, 1902-44

    Studies in Church History

    Caitriona McCartney (2019)

    British Sunday Schools: An Educational Arm of the Churches, 1900-39

    Studies in Church History

    Lise Arena and Leonard Minkes (2019)

    The virtues of dialogue between academics and businessmen

    Business History

    James Arthur (2019)

    Christianity and the character education movement 1897-1914

    History of Education

    Angela Bartie, Linda Fleming, Mark Freeman, Tom Hulme, Alexander Hutton and Paul Readman (2019)

    History taught in the pageant way': education and historical performance in twentieth-century Britain

    History of Education

    Deirdre Raftery, Catriona Delaney and Deirdre Bennett (2019)

    The legacy of a pioneer of female education in Ireland: tercentennial considerations of Nano Nagle and Presentation schooling

    History of Education

    Åsa Karlsson Sjögren, Esbjörn Larsson & Stefan Rimm (2019)

    Agents and subjects: schooling and conceptions of citizenship in early nineteenth-century Sweden

    History of Education

    Therese Novotny (2019)

    Julian of Norwich: how did she know what she knew?

    History of Education

    Simone Battiston & Javier P. Grossutti (2019)

    When arts and crafts education meets Fascism: the Friuli mosaic school, 1922-1943

    History of Education

    Björn Furuhagen, Janne Holmén & Janne Säntti (2019)

    The ideal teacher: orientations of teacher education in Sweden and Finland after the Second World War

    History of Education

    Reid Pitney Higginson (2019)

    When Experimental was Mainstream: The Rise and Fall of Experimental Colleges, 1957-1979

    History of Education Quarterly

    Margaret A. Nash (2019)

    Entangled Pasts: Land-Grant Colleges and American Indian Dispossession

    History of Education Quarterly

    Lisa M. F. Andersen (2019)

    "Kids Know What They Are Doing": Peer-Led Sex Education in New York City

    History of Education Quarterly

    Natasha Simonova (2019)

    Doctoring the Ladies

    History Today

    Edith Hall (2019)

    Classics for the Working Masses

    History Today

    Eleanor Parker (2019)

    The Cultured Women of Essex

    History Today

    Katarina Norberg (2019)

    The Swedish national principal training programme: a programme in constant change

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Heather Rintoul & Pam Bishop (2019)

    Principals and vice-principals: exploring the history of leading and managing public schools in Ontario, Canada

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Anthony H. Normore & Antonia Issa Lahera (2019)

    The evolution of educational leadership preparation programmes

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    M. C. Kate Esposito, Kimmie Tang & Saili S. Kulkarni (2019)

    Ensuring inclusive environments for students with disabilities: school leaders play a linchpin

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    George Variyan (2019)

    Teacher identity past and present: What can a genealogy of schooling tell us?

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Susan Adams-Johnson, Jeff Cranmore, Anna M. J. Holloway & Joel D. Wiley (2019)

    Higher education recruitment in the United States: a chronology of significant literature

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Maysaa Barakat (2019)

    Perceptions of educational leaders regarding contemporary reform initiatives in Egypt

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Tony Jeffs (2019)

    Pearl Jephcott: girls' club worker

    Women's History Review

    Maria Elena Indelicato & Ivana Pražic (2019)

    Legacies of empire: from the "religions of China" to the "Confucian heritage" learner

    Paedagogica Historica

    Pablo Pineau & Alejandra Birgin (2019)

    The Malvinas War: experiencing and remembering the conflict in Argentine schools

    Paedagogica Historica

    Teresa Rabazas Romero, Sara Ramos Zamora & Carlos Sanz Simón (2019)

    Freinet pedagogy in the university: an innovative project in the History of Education

    Paedagogica Historica

    Markus Schiegg & Lena Sowada (2019)

    Script switching in nineteenth-century lower-class German handwriting

    Paedagogica Historica

    Jing Qi, Catherine Manathunga, Michael Singh, Tracey Bunda (2019)

    Micro histories of intercultural knowledge exchange: Tao Xingzhi's educational poetry

    History of Education Review

    Kay Morris Matthews & Kay Whitehead (2019)

    Australian and New Zealand women teachers in the First World War

    History of Education Review

    Rhonda Povey, Michelle Trudgett (2019)

    There was movement at the station: western education at Moola Bulla, 1910-1955

    History of Education Review

    Helen Proctor (2019)

    The hidden historiography of migration and Australian schooling

    History of Education Review

    John Howlett (2019)

    Henry Caldwell Cook, creativity and democratic learning

    History of Education Review

    Muhammad Sufri & Ho Jin Chung (2019)

    Following the Footsteps of Specialist Physical Education Teachers in Singapore's Primary Schools

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Xavier Torrebadella-Flix, Antonio Rivero-Herraiz & Raúl Sánchez-García (2019)

    When the Elites Began Going to the Gym: The Professional and Social Spaces of the First Hygienic Gymnasiums in Madrid, 1860-69

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Patricia Vertinsky, Aishwarya Ramachandran & Bo Wang (2019)

    How about Some Muscle? Charles H. McCloy's Contributions to Physical Education in China between 1913 and 1926

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Xiaolin Zhang & John Saunders (2019)

    An Historical Review of Mass Sports Policy Development in China, 1949-2009

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    James Foster (2019)

    The Day Continuation School at Rugby, Warwickshire: a case study

    History of Education Researcher

    Judith Moss (2019)

    Education in Throwleigh prior to 1877

    History of Education Researcher

    Robert Anderson (2019)

    A Bibliographical Resource for University History

    History of Education Researcher

    Mia E Khachidze (2019)

    Literature as a tool for female bildung

    History of Education Researcher

    Geoffrey Walford (2019)

    The Provenance of Stowe. Percy Warrington: the founder schools wished to forget

    History of Education Researcher

    Robbie Shilliam (2019)

    Behind the Rhodes statue: Black competency and the imperial academy

    History of Human Sciences

    Clive Burgess (2019)

    Fox's Choice: Founding a Secular College in Oxford

    History of Universities

    Paul Cavill (2019)

    Church, State, and Corpus: The Founder's Years

    History of Universities

    Pamela M. King (2019)

    Patronage, Performativity, and Ideas of Corpus Christi

    History of Universities

    Miri Rubin (2019)

    Corpus Christi College, Oxford, as an Emotional Community

    History of Universities

    Joanna Weinberg (2019)

    Corpus Christi College's 'Trilingual Library': A Historical Assessment

    History of Universities

    Magnus Williamson (2019)

    Making Do? Musical Participation in an Early-Tudor College

    History of Universities

    William Whyte (2019)

    Building Corpus Christi

    History of Universities

    Julian Reid (2019)

    Living in a Sixteenth-Century College

    History of Universities

    Richard Rex (2019)

    Corpus Christi College and the Early Reformation

    History of Universities

    Alexandra Gajda (2019)

    Corpus Christi, Catholics, and the Elizabethan Reformation

    History of Universities

    Arash Khazeni (2019)

    Indo-Persian Travel Writing at the Ends of the Mughal World

    Past and Present

    Catherine Fisher (2019)

    World Citizens: Australian women's internationalist broadcasts, 1930-1939

    Women's History Review

    Alexandra Bamji (2019)

    Health Passes, Print and Public Health in Early Modern Europe

    Social History of Medicine

    Elisheva Baumgarten (2019)

    Ask the Midwives: A Hebrew Manual on Midwifery from Medieval Germany

    Social History of Medicine

    Maud Kozodoy (2019)

    Late Medieval Jewish Physicians and their Manuscripts

    Social History of Medicine

    Lynn Abrams (2019)

    The self and self-help: women pursuing autonomy in post-war Britain

    Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

    Inés Fernández Mouján (2019)

    Del término descolonización y sus derivas pedagógicas

    Paedagogica Historica

    Eve Mayes (2019)

    Radical reform and reforming radicals in Australian schooling

    History of Education Review

    Christine Trimingham Jack, Linda Devereux (2019)

    Memory objects and boarding school trauma

    History of Education Review

    Remy Low (2019)

    Mindfulness for teachers: notes toward a discursive cartography

    History of Education Review

    Robin Simmons (2019)

    The Historical Experience of Liberal Studies for Vocational Learners in Further Education

    British Journal of Educational Studies

    Anne West & Philip Noden (2019)

    Nationalising' and Transforming the Public Funding of Early Years Education (and care) in England 1996-2017

    British Journal of Educational Studies

    John White (2019)

    Philosophy and Teacher Education in England: The Long View

    British Journal of Educational Studies

    Elsa Estrela (2019)

    The Knowledge of Policies: The Personal Dimension in Curriculum Policies in Portugal

    British Journal of Educational Studies

    Kevin Williams (2019)

    Soundings in the Sources of His Power: The Education of Seamus Healey

    British Journal of Educational Studies

    Graham Nutbrown (2019)

    The Long Schoolroom: Philosophical Readings in W. B. Keats's Poem 'Among School Children'

    British Journal of Educational Studies

    O'Connell, S (2018)

    The Troubles with a Lower case t: Undergraduates and Belfast's difficult history

    Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

    Archer, I W (2018)

    150 Years of Royal Historical Society Publishing

    Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

    Cipriano, S (2018)

    The Scottish Universities and Opposition to the National Covenant, 1638

    Scottish Historical Review

    Blum, M; Krauss, K-P (2018)

    Age heaping and numeracy: looking behind the curtain

    Economic History Review

    Calis, R; Clark, F; Flow, C; Grafton, A; McMahon, M; Rampling, J M (2018)

    Passing The Book: Cultures of Reading in the Winthrop Family, 1580–1730

    Past and Present

    Kirby, P (2018)

    What's in a Name? The History of Dyslexia

    History Today

    Withey, A (2018)

    Medical Practice in Early Modern Wrexham and Cardiff

    Welsh History Review

    Stolberg, M (2018)

    Learning anatomy in late sixteenth-century Padua

    History of Science

    Rossol, N (2018)

    Policing, Traffic Safety Education and Citizenship in Post-1945 West Germany

    Journal of Contemporary History

    Crone, R (2018)

    Educating the labouring poor in nineteenth-century Suffolk

    British Journal of Sports History

    Jones, C L;  Dupree, M; Hutchison, I; Gardiner, S; Rafferty, A M (2018)

    Personalities, Preferences and Practicalities: Educating Nurses in Wound Sepsis in the British Hospital, 1870–1920 

    Social History of Medicine

    Bailey, L K (2018)

    Scripture in the sermons of Caesarius of Arles

    Early Medieval Europe

    Rui K (2018)

    Women's History at the Cutting Edge in Japan

    Women's History Review

    Krüger, M (2018)

    Gymnastics, Physical Education, Sport, and Christianity in Germany

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Huijie Zhang, Fan Hong & Fuhua Huang (2018)

    Cultural Imperialism, Nationalism, and the Modernization of Physical Education and Sport in China, 1840–1949

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Davis, R A (2018)

    Mormon Missionaries and the Emergence of Modern Argentine Sport, 1938–1943

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Mirabet, R; Pujadas, X (2018)

    Intellectuals and Warriors: The Ideological and Political Basis of Francoist University Sport, 1933–1946

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Mohammed, S O; Ho Jin Chung (2018)

    Foucault's History of the Present: The Birth of the Games Concept Approach in Singapore's Physical Education Curriculum

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Luczak, M; Skirecki, T; Luczak M (2018)

    The Life and Achievements of Eugeniusz Piasecki: A Renowned Polish Co-founder of Physical Culture Sciences

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Coloma, R S (2018)

    Setting theory to work in history of education

    History of Education Review

    Carden, C (2018)

    A breakdown of reformatory education: remembering Westbrook

    History of Education Review

    Baldwin, J (2018)

    The place of Arabic language teaching in Australian universities

    History of Education Review

    Wallace, W; Matthews, K M (2018)

    The partnering of museums and academics: working together on history that matters

    History of Education Review

    Campbell,C; Connors, L (2018)

    Australian education policy from the 1970s: an autobiographical approach

    History of Education Review

    Trimingham Jack, C (2018)

    Lucky or privileged? Working with memory and reflexivity

    History of Education Review

    Rousmaniere, K; Sobe, N W (2018)

    Education and the body: introduction

    Paedagogica Historica

    Dekker, J J; Winchgers, I J M (2018)

    The embodiment of teaching the regulation of emotions in early modern Europe

    Paedagogica Historica

    Momanu, M; Popa, N L; Samoila, M (2018)

    A brief history of family life education in Romania

    Paedagogica Historica

    Golden, D ; Aviezer, O ; Ziv, Y (2018)

    Modern pedagogy, local concerns: the Junkyard on the kibbutz kindergarten

    Paedagogica Historica

    Soto-Vázquez, J; Jaraíz-Cabanillas, F; Pérez-Parejo, R; Gutiérrez-Gallego, J (2018)

    Financial investment and educational regularisation: a statistical survey of primary education in Extremadura (Spain) in the second half of the nineteenth century

    Paedagogica Historica

    Myers, K ; Ramsey, P J; Proctor, H (2018)

    Rethinking borders and boundaries for a mobile history of education

    Paedagogica Historica

    Açikgöz, B (2018)

    The advent of scientific housewifery in the Ottoman Empire

    Paedagogica Historica

    Reyniers, N; Verstraete, P; Ruyskensvelde, S V; Kelchtermans, G (2018)

    Let us entertain you: an exploratory study on the beliefs and practices of teaching history of education in the twenty-first century

    Paedagogica Historica

    Groeger, C V (2018)

    A “Good Mixer”: University Placement in Corporate America, 1890–1940

    History of Education Quarterly

    Gaither, M; Alridge, D P; Dzuback, M A; Hartman, A; Falllace, T D (2018)


    History of Education Quarterly

    Williamson-Lott, J A (2018)

    Protecting Academic Freedom: Using the Past to Chart a Path Toward the Future

    History of Education Quarterly

    Cain, T R (2018)

    “Friendly Public Sentiment” and the Threats to Academic Freedom

    History of Education Quarterly

    Markarian, V (2018)

    Authoritarian Legacies and Higher Education in Uruguay

    History of Education Quarterly

    Zha, Q; Shen, W (2018)

    The Paradox of Academic Freedom in the Chinese Context

    History of Education Quarterly

    Corbett, A; Gordon, C (2018)

    Academic Freedom in Europe: The Central European University Affair and the Wider Lessons

    History of Education Quarterly

    Gibson, W (2018)

    Strenæ Natalitiæ

    History of Universities

    Turner, M J (2018)

    Maintain the old institutions in their old quiet way'

    History of Universities

    Evans, G R (2018)


    History of Universities

    Rothblatt, S (2018)

    James Axtell, Wisdom's Workshop. The Rise of the Modern University

    History of Universities

    Shuffelton, G (2018)

    School Ties

    History of Universities

    Sullivan, T (2018)

    A Claim on Their Gratitude'

    History of Universities

    Martin, J G (2018)

    A 1585 Oxford Ceremonial Student Oration

    History of Universities

    Gattei, S (2018)

    Amicus Galilæus sed Magis Amica Veritas

    History of Universities

    Omodeo, P D (2018)

    Traces of a University Career in Renaissance Brandenburg

    History of Universities

    McOmish, D (2018)

    The Scientific Revolution in Scotland Revisited

    History of Universities

    Lauder, C (2018)

    Constructing Hidden Narratives

    History of Universities

    Wilkinson, J; Brooks, J (2018)

    The past, present and future of educational administration

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Horsford, S D (2018)

    Making America's schools great now: reclaiming democracy and activist leadership under Trump

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Courtney, S J (2018)

    Privatising educational leadership through technology in the Trumpian era

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Schechter, C (2018)

    Enacting President Trump's leadership contract with educators: toward a communal leadership perspective

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Samier, E A (2018)

    Education in a troubled era of disenchantment: the emergence of a new Zeitgeist

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Brooks, M C (2018)

    Islam and educational leadership: advancing new spaces for dialogue and understanding

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Brooks, M; Mutohar, A (2018)

    Islamic school leadership: a conceptual framework

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Arar, K; Haj-Yehia, K (2018)

    Perceptions of educational leadership in medieval Islamic thought: a contribution to multicultural contexts

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Barakat, M (2018)

    Advocating for Muslim students: if not us, then who?

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Khalil, D; DeCuir, A (2018)

    This is us: Islamic feminist school leadership

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Ezzani, M D; King, K M (2018)

    Whose Jihad? Oral history of an American Muslim educational leader and U.S. public schools

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Wilkinson, J; Brooks, J (2018)


    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Westberg, J; Incirci, A; Paksuniemi, M; Turunen, T (2018)

    State formation and the rise of elementary education at the periphery of Europe: the cases of Finland and Turkey 1860–1930

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Niesche, R (2018)

    Critical perspectives in educational leadership: a new 'theory turn'?

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Gobby, B; Keddie, A; Blackmore, J (2018)

    Professionalism and competing responsibilities: moderating competitive performativity in school autonomy reform

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Smith-Norris, M; Hansen, J (2018)

    Graduate programme outcomes in history, 1990–2015: a humanities case study in Canada

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Gardner Kelly, M (2018)

    The tangled roots of real estate markets, the state, and public education

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Oplatka, I; Lapidot, A (2018)

    Novice principals' perceptions of their mentoring process in early career stage: the key role of mentor-protégé relations

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    McCarthy, A T (2018)

    Politics of refugee education: educational administration of the Syrian refugee crisis in Turkey

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Brooks, J S; Wilkinson, J; Heffernan, A (2018)

    Looking back to understand the present and future

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Lau, T C S (2018)

    Hegemony and the politics of education in Hong Kong: from the post-war era to the post-handover era

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Jacklin, H (2018)

    The imagined subject of schooling in the logic of policy

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Eacott, S (2018)

    Theoretical notes on a relational approach to principals' time use

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Wood, M; Pennington, A; Su, F (2018)

    Pre-figurative practice and the educational leadership of Sir Alec Clegg in the West Riding of Yorkshire, England (1945–1974)

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Eacott, S (2018)

    Social epistemology and the theory turn: a response to Niesche

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Boyle, T; Wilkinson, J (2018)

    Two worlds, one site: leading practices and transitions to school

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Gurmu Gemechu, T (2018)

    Development of the Ethiopian school leadership: foundation, self-dependence, and historical erratic evolution

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Hall, J B (2018)

    The performative shift: middle leadership 'in the line of fire'

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Heffernan, A (2018)

    Power and the 'autonomous' principal: autonomy, teacher development, and school leaders' work

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Canales, A F (2018)

    Women, university and science in twentieth-century Spain

    History of Education

    Rõuk, V; Walt, J L; Wolhuter, C C (2018)

    The science of pedagogy in Soviet Estonia (1944–1991): resilience in the face of adversity

    History of Education

    Crutchley, J; Parker, S G; Roberts, S (2018)

    Sight, sound and text in the history of education

    History of Education

    Kasper, T; Kasperová, D (2018)

    The Bat'a Company in Zlín: a shoe company or a school company?

    History of Education

    Swartz, R; Kallaway, P (2018)

    Editorial: Imperial, global and local in histories of colonial education

    History of Education

    Mayer, C; Priem, K (2018)

    Avant-gardes and educational reforms in history: futures past revisited

    History of Education

    Nguyen, C Duc (2018)

    Localised politics in language education: untold stories

    History of Education

    Freeman, M; Woodin, T; Wright, S (2018)


    History of Education

    Yukyo N (2018)

    Origami and Froebel Stars: Froebel's pedagogy in Japan

    History of Education Researcher

    Leinster-Mackay, D P (2018)

    King's School, Sherborne: a 20th-century case study in educational chicanery

    History of Education Researcher

    Freathy, R; Doney, J (2018)

    History of Educaton Teacher?

    History of Education Researcher

    Parry, D (2018)

    Alex Bloom at St-George-in-the-East School - a Radical Education?

    History of Education Researcher

    Mandler, P (2017)


    Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

    Pollnitz, A (2017)


    Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

    Blum, M; Colvin, C L, McAtackney, L; McLaughlin, E (2017)

    Women of an uncertain age: quantifying human capital accumulation in rural Ireland in the nineteenth century

    Economic History Review

    Michelson, E (2017)

    Conversionary Preaching and the Jews in Early Modern Rome

    Past and Present

    Nixon, J (2017)

    Struggles within and for higher education

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Doucet, I (2017)

    Learning in the 'Real' World: encounters with radical architectures (1960s–1970s).

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Feng S; Wood, M (2017)

    Towards an 'ordinary' cosmopolitanism in everyday academic practice in higher education

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Filippakou, O (2017)

    The evolution of the quality agenda in higher education: the politics of legitimation

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    William Yat Wai Lo & Hei-Hang Hayes Tang (2017)

    Dancing with global trends: higher education policy and university governance in Hong Kong, 1997–2012

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Colet, NMR (2017)

    From content-centred to learning-centred approaches: shifting educational paradigm in higher education

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Lumino, R; Gambardella, D; Grimalid, E (2017)

    The evaluation turn in the higher education system: lessons from Italy

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Blackmore, J; Hutchison, K; Keary, A (2017)

    School principals speaking back to widening participation policies in higher education

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Thorburn, M (2017)

    John Dewey, William Wirt and the Gary Schools Plan: a centennial reappraisal

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Wilkins, A (2017)

    Rescaling the local: multi-academy trusts, private monopoly and statecraft in England

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Gunter, H M; Fitzgerald, T (2017)

    Educational administration and history part 1: reviewing the agenda

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Eacott, S (2017)

    A social epistemology for educational administration and leadership

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Bogotch, I (2017)

    A new world order? Finding a local place for educational leadership

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Apple, M W (2017)

    Dialogue, field, and power

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Fitzgerald, T; Gunter HM (2017)

    Debating the agenda: the incremental uberisation of the field

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Samier, E (2017)

    Towards a postcolonial and decolonising educational administration history

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Waite, D (2017)

    Writing in/of/and educational leadership: reflections of a journal editor

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Spencer, S (2017)

    Imagining a future, living in the present and remembering the past

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Gust, O (2017)

    What is Radical History Now?

    History Workshop Journal

    Gardullo, P; Bunch, Lonnie G, III (2017)

    Making a Way Out of No Way: the National Museum of African American History and Culture

    History Workshop Journal

    Turner, D M (2017)

    Impaired Children in Eighteenth-century England

    Social History of Medicine

    Robinson, E; Schofield, C; Sutcliffe-Braithwaite, F; Thomlinson, N (2017)

    Telling Stories about Post-war Britain: Popular Individualism and the 'Crisis' of the 1970s

    20th Century British History

    Açikgöz, B (2017)

    Approval and disapproval of textbooks in the late Ottoman Empire

    History of Education

    Stearns P N; Stearns, C (2017)

    American schools and the uses of shame: an ambiguous history

    History of Education

    Herman, F; Priem, K; Thyssen, G (2017)

    Body_machine? Encounters of the human and the mechanical in education, industry and science

    History of Education

    Pichugina V; Bezrogov V (2017)

    Fathers and sons' in Xenophon's teaching of the man taking care of himself

    History of Education

    Doney J; Parker, S G; Freathy, R (2017)

    Enriching the historiography of Religious Education: insights from oral life history

    History of Education

    Zounek, J; Šimáne, M; Knotová, D. (2017)

    Primary school teachers as a tool of secularisation of society in communist Czechoslovakia

    History of Education

    Byford, A (2017)

    The imperfect child in early twentieth-century Russia

    History of Education

    Freeman, M; Woodin, T; Wright, S (2017)


    History of Education

    Servant-Miklos, V F C; Spliid, C M (2017)

    The construction of teaching roles at Aalborg university centre, 1970–1980

    History of Education

    Green, S (2017)

    The Public Life of Charlotte Carmichael Stopes

    Women's History Review

    Doney, J; Freathy, R (2017)

    Editorial – Fifty Years On

    History of Education Researcher

    Cunningham, P (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Doney, J (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Freathy, R (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Freeman, M (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Gardner, P (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Goodman, J (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Hoare, L (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Lowe, R (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    McCulloch, G (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Mileweski, P (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    O'Donoghue (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Parker, S (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Richardson, W (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Robinson, W (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Sims, J (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Spencer, S (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Watts, R (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Whiffin, E (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Wright, S (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflections

    History of Education Researcher

    Freathy, R; Doney, J (2017)

    Editorial – Ripping Yarns

    History of Education Researcher

    Porter, B (2017)

    Autobiographical Reflection

    History of Education Researcher

    Dichter, H; Vamplew, W (2017)

    Aspiration and Reflection: Sport Historians on Sport History

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Adair, D (2017)

    Sport Management with Historical Perspective

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Anderson, P (2017)

    On Searching for the Latin American Sportswoman and Finding an Argentine Sports Historian

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Bandyopadhyay, K (2017)

    Fighting Against Heavy Odds: An Indian Perspective on Sports History

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Bolz D (2017)

    Across Fields and Boundaries: Finding One's Way in International Sports Histor

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Cleophas, D J (2017)

    Creating a Sport Historian's Life Story Narrative in Society

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Dichter, H L (2017)

    Animalympics, Or How I Became a Sport Scholar

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Howard, J (2017)

    Clifton Forge and Back Again

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Ikeda, K (2017)

    The Itinerary to Explore Headwaters of the New Left's Cultural Studies

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    James, G (2017)

    Sport History Relevance and How We Need to Engage

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Jewett, E L (2017)

    A Hole in One: Sport and Environment

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Kaufman, H (2017)

    On Being a Sports Historian in Israel

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Laine, L (2017)

    A Life Surrounded by Sport History, as a Non-Sporting Critical Feminist

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Leeworthy, D (2017)

    Playing up to Precarity; Or, the Lost Generation

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Liu, L (2017)

    When a Choice Becomes a Chance: My Encounters with Sports History

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Macdonald, C (2017)

    Histories Beyond the Boundaries

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    McDowell, M L (2017)

    One Yankee's Opinion, from the Outside Looking In

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    McClelland, J (2017)

    Professing the History of Early Modern Sport

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    de Melo, V A (2017)

    History of Sport in Brazil and in South America: Visibility for New Looks

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Moore, L (2017)

    When I Fell in Love with Sports History

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Munkwitz, E (2017)

    Horse-Sense and Sensibility

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Naglo, K (2017)

    Soccer's Small Worlds

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Osmond, G (2017)

    Reflections from an Accidental Sports Historian: Arriving, Striving, and Surviving

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Quin, G (2017)

    Writing Swiss Sport History: A Quest for Original Archives

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Skillen, F (2017)

    Sports History: Reflections on My Journey So Far

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Stone, D (2017)

    The Firstborn is Dead: Infanticide in the Academy

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Straume, S (2017)

    Reflections from a Hybrid Scholar

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Tsia, C-T L (2017)

    You Can Make the Difference: Women in Sport in Taiwan

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Vamplew, W (2017)

    Old and Grumpy but Still Game

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Dichter, H L; Vamplew, W (2017)

    Aspirational Reflections: The Future of Sport History

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Morrell, R (2017)

    Touch Rugby, Masculinity and Progressive Politics in Durban, South Africa, 1985–1990

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Petrov, A (2017)

    How Doing Sport Became a Culture: Producing the Concept of Physical Cultivation of the Yugoslavs

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Sierakowska, K (2017)

    Girls and Women and the Role of Sport in Different Age Groups: Poland 1918–1939

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Popa, B (2017)

    Strong Periphery, Weak Centre: The Paradox of Sport in Early Twentieth-Century Romania

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Szpak, E (2017)

    Between Work and Laziness': Leisure in the Polish Countryside (1945–1989)

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Duckworth, A; Hunt, T M (2017)

    Learning the American Way: Sports International and American Soft Power

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Watkins, J (2017)

    A Tale of Two Presidents: The Rise and Fall of Division I Athletics at Birmingham-Southern College

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Kim, H-D (2017)

    A Socio-Historical Consideration of Collegiate Physical Education in Modern Korean History

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Davies, S M (2017)

    Promoting productivity in the National Health Service, 1950 to 1966

    Contemporary British History

    Terron, A; Comelles, J M.; Perdiguero-Gil, E (2017)

    Schools and health education in Spain during the dictatorship of General Franco (1939-1975)

    History of Education Review

    Rocha, H H P; da Silva, H M (2017)

    The dangers of infection: school medical inspection in Brazil (the 1910s)

    History of Education Review

    Leahy, D; Penney, D; Welch, R (2017)

    Schooling health: the critical contribution of curriculum in the 1980s

    History of Education Review

    Proctor, H; Burns, K (2017)

    The connected histories of mass schooling and public health

    History of Education Review

    Middleton, S C (2017)

    New Zealand Theosophists in 'New Education' networks, 1880s-1938

    History of Education Review

    Ellis, R B; Waller, D S (2017)

    Marketing education at the University of Melbourne

    History of Education Review

    Giorgetti, F M; Campbell, C; Arslan, A (2017)

    Culture and education: looking back to culture through education

    Paedagogica Historica

    Herman F; Roberts, S (2017)

    Adventures in cultural learning

    Paedagogica Historica

    Sumon, F (2017)

    Afterword: inexhaustible cultural learning

    Paedagogica Historica

    Verstraete, P; Hoegaerts, J (2017)

    Educational soundscapes: tuning in to sounds and silences in the history of education

    Paedagogica Historica

    Dussel, I; Priem, K (2017)

    The visual in histories of education: a reappraisal

    Paedagogica Historica

    Rousmaniere, K (2017)

    Nostalgia and educational history: an American image

    Paedagogica Historica

    Beadie, N; Williamson-Lott, J; Bowman, M; Frizell, T; Guzman, G; Hyun, J; Johnson, J; Nicholas, K; Phillips, L; Wellington, R; Yoshida, L (2017)

    Gateways to the West, Part II: Education and the Making of Race, Place, and Culture in the West

    History of Education Quarterly

    Hamlin, F N (2017)

    Schooling for Freedom: Education and the Black Freedom Struggle in Mississippi

    History of Education Quarterly

    Kantor, H; Lowe, R (2017)

    Introduction: What Difference Did the Coleman Report Make?

    History of Education Quarterly

    Schulten, S (2017)

    Map Drawing, Graphic Literacy, and Pedagogy in the Early Republic

    History of Education Quarterly

    Scribner, C F (2017)

    American Teenagers, Educational Exchange, and Cold War Politics

    History of Education Quarterly

    Lewis, M A; Secci, D A; Henstermann, C; Lewis, J. H; Williams, B (2017)

    Origenian Platonisme' in Interregnum Cambridge: Three Academic Texts by George Rust, 1656 and 1658

    History of Universities

    Lewis, M A; Secci, D A; Henstermann, C; Lewis, J. H; Williams, B (2017)

    The Messiah Promised in the Holy Scripture Came a Long Time Ago

    History of Universities

    Lewis, M A; Secci, D A; Henstermann, C; Lewis, J. H; Williams, B (2017)

    George Rust, University of Cambridge Commencement Day Divinity Act Verses

    History of Universities

    Lewis, M A; Secci, D A; Henstermann, C; Lewis, J. H; Williams, B (2017)

    The Holy Scripture Tells of the Resurrection from the Dead, nor does Reason Oppose It: The soul Separated does not Sleep

    History of Universities

    Somos, M (2017)

    John Warren's Lectures on Anatomy, 1783–1812

    History of Universities

    Tucker, M-C (2016)

    Scottish Masters in Huguenot Academies

    History of Universities

    Broadie, A (2016)

    James Dundas (c.1620–1679) on the Sixth Commandment

    History of Universities

    Gellera, G (2016)

    The Scottish Faculties of Arts and Cartesianism (1650–1700)

    History of Universities

    Alexander Hutton (2016)

    Literature, Criticism, and Politics in the Early New Left, 1956-62

    20th Century British History

    David Addison (2016)

    Politics, Patronage, and the State in British Avant-Garde Music, c.1959-c.1974

    20th Century British History

    Phillida Bunkle (2016)

    The 1944 Education Act and Second Wave Feminism

    Women's History Review

    Miriam E. David (2016)

    Feminism, activism and academe: a personal reflection

    Women's History Review

    Catherine Manathunga (2016)

    The role of universities in nation-building in 1950s Australia and Aotearoa/New Zealand

    History of Education Review

    Carole Hooper (2016)

    Access and exclusivity in nineteenth-century Victorian schools

    History of Education Review

    Judith Anne Selvaraj (2016)

    Inclusive education in New Zealand: rhetoric and reality

    History of Education Review

    Geoffrey William Lummis and Julia Elizabeth Morris and Graeme Lock (2016)

    The Western Australian Art and Crafts Superintendents' advocacy for years k-12 Visual Arts in education

    History of Education Review

    Julia Horne and Tamson Pietsch (2016)

    Universities, expertise and the First World War

    History of Education Review

    Julia Horne (2016)

    The “knowledge front”, women, war and peace

    History of Education Review

    Tamson Pietsch (2016)

    Universities, war and the professionalization of dentistry

    History of Education Review

    Ann Stephen (2016)

    Portrait of an artist as an ex-war surgeon

    History of Education Review

    Geoffrey Sherington (2016)

    British academics, liberalism, and the First World War

    History of Education Review

    Glenda Sluga (2016)

    Nationalism, the First World War, and sites of international memory

    History of Education Review

    John A. Moses (2016)

    Sydney Professor G.A. Wood and the Great War 1914-1918

    History of Education Review

    Kate Darian-Smith and James Waghorne (2016)

    Australian universities and the commemoration of the First World War

    History of Education Review

    Evan Smith and Daryl Leeworthy (2016)

    Before Pride: The Struggle for the Recognition of Gay Rights in the British Communist Movement, 1973-85

    20th Century British History

    Frances Pownall (2016)

    Review of Lu, H. Xenophon's Theory of Moral Education

    Classical Review

    Graham Barrett and George Woudhuysen (2016)

    Assembling the Austrasian Letters at Trier and Lorsch

    Early Medieval Europe

    Raphael Franck and Noel D. Johnson (2016)

    Can public policies lower religiosity? Evidence from school choice in France, 1878-1902

    Economic History Review

    John Belchem, Rohan McWilliam, Richard N. Price and Eileen Yeo (2016)

    Roundtable on Asa Briggs's Legacy

    Labour History

    The Editors (2016)

    Appreciation: Asa Briggs and Northern History

    Northern History

    Vanessa Heggie (2016)

    Bodies, Sport and Science in the Nineteenth Century

    Past and Present

    Jean-Marc Lemonnier, Michaël Attali and Elodie Parisse (2016)

    Young people's disillusionment with French education before 1968: sport, the school curriculum and social change

    Social History

    Alexandre Campsie (2016)

    Mass-Observation, Left Intellectuals and the Politics of Everyday Life

    English Historical Review

    Takkara Brunson (2016)

    'Writing' Black Womanhood in the Early Cuban Republic, 1904-16

    Gender and History

    Megan Doolittle, Janet Fink and Katherine Holden (2016)

    Blood, Contract and Intimacy: History and Practice with Leonore Davidoff

    Gender and History

    Juan Pablo Sánchez Hernández (2016)

    Aelius Aristides as Teacher

    Greece and Rome

    Michael Cunningham (2016)

    Ethos and Politics in the Youth Hostels Association (YHA) in the 1930s

    Contemporary British History

    Christopher Sutton (2016)

    Britain, Empire and the Origins of the Cold War Youth Race

    Contemporary British History

    Helena Mills (2016)

    Using the personal to critique the popular: women's memories of 1960s youth

    Contemporary British History

    Matthew Worley (2016)

    Marx-Lenin-Rotten-Strummer: British Marxism and youth culture in the 1970s

    Contemporary British History

    Daryl Leeworthy (2016)

    For our common cause: Sexuality and left politics in South Wales, 1967-1985

    Contemporary British History

    Lawrence Goldman (2016)

    History and biography

    Historical Research

    Alexander Neil Hutton (2016)

    'A Repository, a Switchboard, a Dynamo': H.L. Beales, a Historian in a Mass Media Age

    Contemporary British History

    Peter M Jones (2016)

    Making chemistry the 'science' of agriculture, c. 1760-1840

    History of Science

    David Felismino, Conceição Tavares and Ana Carneiro (2016)

    The power of islands and of discipleship: Francisco de Arruda Furtado (1854-1887) and the making of a disciple of Darwin

    History of Science

    Projit Bihari Mukharji (2016)

    Parachemistries: Colonial chemopolitics in a zone of contest

    History of Science

    Benoît Godin and Désirée Schauz (2016)

    The changing identity of research: A cultural and conceptual history

    History of Science

    Henk van Rinsum and Willem Koops (2016)

    University of Utrecht 1636-1676: res ecclesia, res publica and … res pecunia

    History of Education

    Ethan W. Ris (2016)

    Hierarchy as a theme in the US college, 1880-1920

    History of Education

    Paul Smeyers (2016)

    Data construction and interpretation in educational research

    History of Education

    Brian Fleming and Judith Harford (2016)

    Irish education and the legacy of O'Connell

    History of Education

    Meritxell Simon-Martin (2016)

    Barbara Bodichon's travel writing: her epistolary articulation of Bildung

    History of Education

    Johanna Sköld and Kaisa Vehkalahti (2016)

    Marginalized children: methodological and ethical issues in the history of education and childhood

    History of Education

    Adrian Bingham, Lucy Delap, Louise Jackson and Louise Settle (2016)

    Historical child sexual abuse in England and Wales: the role of historians

    History of Education

    Philipp Eigenmann and Michael Geiss (2016)

    Doing it for them: corporatism and apprentice activism in Switzerland, 1880-1950

    History of Education

    Ezwan Arman, Mohd Zufri Mamat and Maisarah Hasbullah (2016)

    Agricultural education as a medium for the transmission of Western science during British rule in Malaya, 1905-1957

    History of Education

    Brendan Carmody (2016)

    Catholic education in Zambia: mission integrity and politics

    History of Education

    Peter Cunningham (2016)

    Local and personal educations and their histories

    History of Education

    Kristin Bailey Wilson and Cristi D. Ford (2016)

    Moberly Junior College, the four-year junior college

    History of Education

    Petr Chalupecký and Zdenka Johnson (2016)

    Differences between Czech and Slovak economic higher education from 1945 to 1953

    History of Education

    Alessandra Arce Hai, Frank Simon and Marc Depaepe (2016)

    From practice to theory, Ovide Decroly for Brazilian classrooms: a tale of appropriation

    History of Education

    George Walker (2016)

    'So Much to Do': Oxford and the Wills of Cecil Rhodes

    Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History

    Rebecca Swartz and Johan Wasserman (2016)

    'Britishness', Colonial Governance and Education: St Helenian Children in Colonial Natal in the 1870s

    Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History

    Timothy Livsey (2016)

    Imagining an Imperial Modernity: Universities and the West African Roots of Colonial Development

    Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History

    Gary McCulloch and Georgina Brewis (2016)

    Introduction: education, war and peace

    Paedagogica Historica

    Parimala V. Rao (2016)

    Modern education and the revolt of 1857 in India

    Paedagogica Historica

    Katharine Kennedy (2016)

    Singing about soldiers in German schools, from 1890 to 1945

    Paedagogica Historica

    Joachim Scholz and Kathrin Berdelmann (2016)

    The quotidianisation of the war in everyday life at German schools during the First World War

    Paedagogica Historica

    Marcella P. Sutcliffe (2016)

    Reading at the front: books and soldiers in the First World War

    Paedagogica Historica

    Kira Mahamud Angulo, Tamar Groves, Cecilia Cristina Milito Barone and Yovana Hernández Laina (2016)

    Civic education and visions of war and peace in the Spanish transition to democracy

    Paedagogica Historica

    Zvi Bekerman and Michalinos Zembylas (2016)

    Identity negotiations in conflict-ridden societies: historical and anthropological perspectives

    Paedagogica Historica

    Tina van der Vlies (2016)

    Multidirectional war narratives in history textbooks

    Paedagogica Historica

    Carla Aubry Kradolfer and Michael Geiss (2016)

    The backbone of schooling: entangled histories of funding and educational administration - introduction

    Paedagogica Historica

    Jamie A. Kowalczyk (2016)

    Homo pontem: teachers as bridges to a multicultural Italy

    Paedagogica Historica

    Garrett Gowen, Rachel Friedensen and Ezekiel Kimball (2016)

    Boys, be ambitious: William Smith Clark and the westernisation of Japanese agricultural extension in the Meiji era

    Paedagogica Historica

    Brendan Patrick Carmody (2016)

    The Catholic school and social justice in Africa: a Zambian case study

    Paedagogica Historica

    Klaus Dittrich and Yoonmi Lee (2016)

    Transnationalising the history of education in modern Korea

    Paedagogica Historica

    Alejandro Gómez Camacho and Jesús Casado Rodrigo (2016)

    Literacy education and orthography in the Spanish Golden Age, 1531-1631

    Paedagogica Historica

    Justino Magalhães (2016)

    Writing in the field of education: the Inquiry on Portuguese schools (1875)

    Paedagogica Historica

    Clémentine Beauvais (2016)

    Californian genius: Lewis Terman's gifted child in regional perspective

    Paedagogica Historica

    Susanne Spieker & Angelo Van Gorp (2016)

    Capacity building and communitas in the history of education

    Paedagogica Historica

    Nancy Beadie, Joy Williamson-Lott and Isaac Gottesman (2016)

    Note from the Editors: Intellectual Borderlands: Charting the Future for HEQ

    History of Education Quarterly

    Christine A. Ogren (2016)

    Out-of-Class Project: American Teachers' Summertime Activities, 1880s-1930s

    History of Education Quarterly

    Joy Williamson-Lott and Nancy Beadie (2016)

    Forum on Teaching: Constructing Historical Cases

    History of Education Quarterly

    Jack Dougherty (2016)

    Defining Purpose and Process in Teaching History with Case Studies

    History of Education Quarterly

    Heather Lewis (2016)

    Future Teachers and Historical Habits of Mind: A Pedagogical Case Study

    History of Education Quarterly

    Douglas S. Reed (2016)

    ESEA at Fifty: Education as State-Building

    History of Education Quarterly

    Susan L. Moffitt (2016)

    The State of Educational Improvement: The Legacy of ESEA Title I

    History of Education Quarterly

    Nancy Beadie, Joy Williamson-Lott and Isaac Gottesman (2016)

    Note from the Editors-Special Issue: Rethinking Regionalism in the History of Education: Perspectives from the North American West

    History of Education Quarterly

    Nancy Beadie, Joy Williamson-Lott, Michael Bowman, Teresa Frizell, Gonzalo Guzman, Jisoo Hyun, Joanna Johnson, Kathryn Nicholas, Lani Phillips, Rebecca Wellington, La'akea Yoshida (2016)

    Gateways to the West, Part I: Education in the Shaping of the West

    History of Education Quarterly

    Christopher Bonastia (2016)

    Black Leadership and Outside Allies in Virginia Freedom Schools

    History of Education Quarterly

    Ansley T. Erickson (2016)

    Desegregation's Architects: Education Parks and the Spatial Ideology of Schooling

    History of Education Quarterly

    James D. Anderson, Christopher M. Span (2016)

    History of Education in the News: The Legacy of Slavery, Racism, and Contemporary Black Activism on Campus

    History of Education Quarterly

    Greg Thompson and Nicole Mockler (2016)

    Principals of audit: testing, data and 'implicated advocacy'

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Sue Winton & Katina Pollock (2016)

    Meanings of success and successful leadership in Ontario, Canada, in neo-liberal times

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Polychronis Sifakakis, Anna Tsatsaroni, Antigone Sarakinioti & Menie Kourou (2016)

    Governance and knowledge transformations in educational administration: Greek responses to global policies

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Hedvig Abrahamsen & Marit Aas (2016)

    School leadership for the future: heroic or distributed? Translating international discourses in Norwegian policy documents

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Denise Mifsud (2016)

    The policy discourse of networking and its effect on school autonomy: a Foucauldian interpretation

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Richard Niesche (2016)

    What use is Foucault in education today?

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Wayne Veck and Sharon Jessop (2016)

    Hannah Arendt 40 years on: thinking about educational administration

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Maria Tamboukou (2016)

    Education as action/the adventure of education: thinking with Arendt and Whitehead

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Donald Gillies (2016)

    Visiting good company: Arendt and the development of the reflective practitioner

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Jon Nixon (2016)

    Hannah Arendt and Karl Jaspers: the time of friendship

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Marie Morgan (2016)

    Hannah Arendt and the 'freedom' to think

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Gert Biesta (2016)

    Reconciling ourselves to reality: Arendt, education and the challenge of being at home in the world

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Kay Whitehead (2016)

    Women's leadership of 'much needed national work' in wartime education

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Kate Rousmaniere (2016)

    Dorothy's Wars: school leadership during the Birmingham Blitz

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Eleni A. Katsigianni and Amalia A. Ifanti (2016)

    Tenured and non-tenured school principals in Greece: a historical approach

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Peter Ribbins and Brian Sherratt (2016)

    Biography in the study of public administration: towards a portrait of a Whitehall mandarin

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Douglas Rhein (2016)

    Westernisation and the Thai higher education system: past and present

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Alejandro Carrasco and Germán Fromm (2016)

    How local market pressures shape leadership practices: evidence from Chile

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Rita A. Gardiner (2016)

    Lasting impressions: Hannah Arendt's educational legacy

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Katherine Lewis (2016)

    Social justice leadership and inclusion: a genealogy

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Felipe Aravena (2016)

    Preparing school principals in the Chilean scenario: lessons from Australia, England and the United States

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Tanya Fitzgerald and Sally Knipe (2016)

    Policy reform: testing times for teacher education in Australia

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Peter Mandler (2016)

    Educating the Nation: III. Social Mobility

    Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

    Jonathan Doney and Rob Freathy (2016)

    Editorial- 'Ad Fontes'

    History of Education Researcher

    Patrice Milewski (2016)

    An Oral History of Students' Experiences of Teachers and School During the 1930s

    History of Education Researcher

    Heather Ellis (2016)

    History of Education Society Annual Conferece, Liverpool 2015

    History of Education Researcher

    Rob Freathy and Jonathan Doney (2016)

    Editorial: The evolution of education

    History of Education Researcher

    Spencer J. Weinreich (2016)

    Edward VI's Treatise on the Papal Supremacy and the Education of a Theologian-King

    History of Education Researcher

    Minho Jeon (2016)

    A Study of Korean Seodang (Village Schools) during the Time of Enlightenment

    History of Education Researcher

    Donald P. Leinster-Mackay (2016)

    The Provenance of Stowe: A Research Report

    History of Education Researcher

    Anon (2016)

    Major Accessions to Repositories in 2015 Relating to Education

    History of Education Researcher

    Rosalind Delmar (2016)

    The History of a PhD

    History Workshop Journal

    Adrian Harvey (2016)

    The Public Schools and Organized Football in Britain: Fresh Perspectives on Old Paradigms

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Zheng Liu and Ying Lu (2016)

    Re-Employment of Retired Athletes in China

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Zhixun Guan and Fan Hong (2016)

    The Development of Elite Disability Sport in China: A Critical Review

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Colm Hickey (2016)

    A Flock of Swallows: Athleticism in Elementary Schools, 1870-1914 - A Necessary Corrective

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Pablo Ariel Scharagrodsky and Valeria Varea (2016)

    Tracking the Origins of Physical Education in Argentina and Australia

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Peter Lorge (2016)

    Practising Martial Arts Versus Studying Martial Arts

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Glos Ho, Edmond Yik Ming Yiu and Michael Huen Sum Lam (2016)

    The Hong Kong Games in the Eyes of Local Sports and Recreation Students

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Stephen T. Casper and Rick Welsh (2016)

    British Romantic Generalism in the Age of Specialism, 1870-1990

    Social History of Medicine

    Elisabeth Piller (2016)

    German Child Distress, US Humanitarian Aid and Revisionist Politics, 1918-24

    Journal of Contemporary History

    Turlach O Broin (2016)

    Mail-order Demagogues: The NSDAP School for Speakers, 1928-34

    Journal of Contemporary History

    David C. Kirkpatrick (2016)

    C. René Padilla and the Origins of Integral Mission in Post-War Latin America

    Journal of Ecclesiastical History

    Christopher Stray (2016)

    Disciplinary Histories of Classics

    History of Universities

    Robin Darwall-Smith (2016)

    Oxford College Histories: Fresh Contributions

    History of Universities

    Joel T. Rosenthal (2016)

    In Mary Lyon's Footsteps: The Historiography of Mount Holyoke College

    History of Universities

    Lyn Boothman, Rowena Burgess, Mary Cook, and Chris Galley (2016)

    Perspectives on Childhood and Youth

    Local Population Studies

    Roger C. Richardson (2016)

    The Hampshire Origins of the Oxford English Dictionary

    Southern History

    Anna-Kaisa Kuusisto-Arponen and Ulla Savolainen (2016)

    The interplay of memory and matter: narratives of former Finnish Karelian child evacuees

    Oral History

    George Bain (2016)

    A Canadian's Reflections on the Oxford School

    Historical Studies in Industrial Relations

    William Brown (2016)

    The Oxford School at Donovan

    Historical Studies in Industrial Relations

    John Edmonds (2016)

    The Donovan Commission: Were We in the Trade Unions Too Short-Sighted?

    Historical Studies in Industrial Relations

    Sue Ferns (2016)

    Changing Gender Roles and Public-Policy Perspectives since Donovan: A Trade-Union View

    Historical Studies in Industrial Relations

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    Garlic and Magnets

    History Today

    David Wootton (2016)

    The first return of Halley's Comet

    History Today

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    Social History 40 Years On

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    The Making of The Mind

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    The young JOHN DEE

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    Islam's forgotten scholars

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    Nicholas Orme (2016)

    William the Wanderer

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    Ethics and truth in archival research

    History of Education

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    History of Education

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    Kristi Richard Melancon and Petra Munro Hendry (2015)

    'Listen to the voice of reason': the New Orleans Tribune as advocate for public, integrated education

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    Kaori Kitagawa (2015)

    Continuity and change in disaster education in Japan

    History of Education

    Charlotte Rochez (2015)

    Historians of education and social media

    History of Education

    Brendan Walsh and John Lalor (2015)

    New languages of possibility: early experiments in education as dissent

    History of Education

    Marcella Pellegrino Sutcliffe (2015)

    Liberal Italy and the challenge of transnational education (1861-1922): Introduction

    History of Education

    Deirdre Raftery and Marie Clarke (2015)

    Transnationalism, gender and teaching: perspectives from the history of education

    History of Education

    Helen M. Gunter and Tanya Fitzgerald (2015)

    Educational administration and neoliberalism: historical and contemporary perspectives

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Carly Lassig, Catherine Ann Doherty and Keith Moore (2015)

    The private problem with public service: rural teachers in educational markets

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Laura Elizabeth Pinto (2015)

    Fear and loathing in neoliberalism: school leader responses to policy layers

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Rob Smith and Matt O'Leary (2015)

    Partnership as cultural practice in the face of neoliberal reform

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Steven J. Courtney (2015)

    Corporatised leadership in English schools

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Patrick L.J. Bailey (2015)

    Consultants of conduct: new actors, new knowledges and new 'resilient' subjectivities in the governing of the teacher

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Ben Williamson (2015)

    Governing methods: policy innovation labs, design and data science in the digital governance of education

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Alejandra Osses, Cristián Bellei and Juan Pablo Valenzuela (2015)

    External technical support for school improvement: critical issues from the Chilean experience

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Roberto Serpieri, Emiliano Grimaldi and Sandra Vatrella (2015)

    School evaluation and consultancy in Italy. Sliding doors towards privatisation?

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Kenneth J. Saltman (2015)

    Learning from the neo-liberal movement: towards a global justice education movement

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Gary McCulloch (2015)

    Obituary. Professor Richard Aldrich: an appreciation

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Ian Abbott (2015)

    Politics and education policy into practice: conversations with former Secretaries of State

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Agnieszka Bates (2015)

    The 'Great Refusal'? A Marcusian response to the Bright Blue vision of education in the 'Big Society'

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Richard Hatcher (2015)

    The transfer of local authority school support services to external social enterprises

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Scott Eacott (2015)

    The principalship, autonomy, and after

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Bernie Grummell and Michael J. Murray (2015)

    A contested profession: employability, performativity and professionalism in Irish further education

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Rachel C. Donaldson (2015)

    Teaching Democracy: Folkways Records and Cold War Education

    History of Education Quarterly

    Christopher J. Phillips (2015)

    An Officer and a Scholar: Nineteenth-Century West Point and the Invention of the Blackboard

    History of Education Quarterly

    Marybeth Gasman, Dorsey Spencer and Cecilia Orphan (2015)

    “Building Bridges, Not Fences”: A History of Civic Engagement at Private Black Colleges and Universities, 1944-1965

    History of Education Quarterly

    Yoon K. Pak, Christopher M. Span and James D. Anderson (2015)

    Reflections from Within: Ten Years of Service to HEQ

    History of Education Quarterly

    Angela Ryan (2015)

    Counter College: Third World Students Reimagine Public Higher Education

    History of Education Quarterly

    Margaret A. Nash and Jennifer A. R. Silverman (2015)

    “An Indelible Mark”: Gay Purges in Higher Education in the 1940s

    History of Education Quarterly

    John Morgan (2015)

    Michael Young and the Politics of the School Curriculum

    British Journal of Educational Studies

    Robin Simmons (2015)

    Civilising the Natives? Liberal Studies in Further Education Revisited

    British Journal of Educational Studies

    James Peters (2015)

    The Archives of the University of Manchester

    History of Education Researcher

    Anon (2015)

    Major Accessions to Repositories in 2014 Relating to Education

    History of Education Researcher

    Peter Mandler (2015)

    Educating the Nation II: Universities

    Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

    Siân Pooley (2015)

    Children's Writing and the Popular Press in England 1876-1914

    History Workshop Journal

    Bill Schwarz (2015)

    An Unsentimental Education. John Darwin's Empire

    Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History

    Tiziana Villani (2015)

    Warburg Postwar

    History Today

    Pen Vogler (2015)

    The Poor Child's Friend

    History Today

    Kate Wiles (2015)

    Making Men of Letters

    History Today

    Noah Moxham (2015)

    Innovative Oldenburg

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    Ray Cavanaugh (2015)

    From Demons to Doctors

    History Today

    Rachel Moss (2015)

    Medieval Fatherhood

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    Roger Hudson (2015)

    The Monkey Trial

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    Shaun Wallace (2015)

    Runaway Reading

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    David Armitage (2015)

    Nicholas Henshall

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    Ulinka Rublack (2015)

    Science and Superstition

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    Suzannah Lipscomb (2015)

    An adult education

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    Mathew Lyons (2015)

    Humanities without humanity

    History Today

    Mathew Lyons (2015)

    The great betrayal

    History Today

    Prochaska, Frank (2015)

    An Oxford Interlude

    History Today

    Rob Freathy and Jonathan Doney (2015)

    Richard Aldrich and the Importance of Historians of Education

    History of Education Researcher

    Jonathan Doney and Rob Freathy (2015)

    Widening our Readership and Impact

    History of Education Researcher

    Charlotte Rochez (2015)

    History of Education Society Annual Conference, Dublin November 2014

    History of Education Researcher

    Anon (2015)

    History of Oxford Colleges Conference 2014

    History of Education Researcher

    Rob Freathy and Jonathan Doney (2015)

    'Location, location, location': Some reflections on geographical and spatial parameters

    History of Education Researcher

    Richard J. Oosterhoff (2015)

    A Book, a Pen, and the Sphere: Reading Sacrobosco in the Renaissance

    History of Universities

    Pam Schweitzer and Marta Moreno López de Uralde (2015)

    Use of oral history archives in cross-curricular contexts in higher and further education

    Oral History

    Sanem Güvenç-Salgirli (2015)

    The Image of the Self-Sacrificing Doctor: Medicine, Taxes and Unemployment in 1930s Turkey

    Social History of Medicine

    Judith R. H. Kaplan (2015)

    Avestan studies in Imperial Germany: Sciences of text and sound

    History of Human Sciences

    Enrique Lafuente, José Carlos Loredo and Jorge Castro (2015)

    Citizens at work: Evolutionism, functionalism, progressivism and industrial psychology in the writings of Arland D. Weeks

    History of Human Sciences

    Ruth E. Watts and Jeroen J.H. Dekker (2015)

    Obituary: Richard Aldrich (1937-2014)

    Paedagogica Historica

    Iveta Kestere, Zanda Rubene and Irena Stonkuviene (2015)

    Introduction: power - invisible architecture of education

    Paedagogica Historica

    Tatjana Koķe and Irēna Saleniece (2015)

    Education policy in the Republic of Latvia: lessons from experience

    Paedagogica Historica

    Joakim Landahl (2015)

    Emotions, power and the advent of mass schooling

    Paedagogica Historica

    Wayne J. Urban and Marybeth Smith (2015)

    Much ado about something? James Bryant Conant, Harvard University, and Nazi Germany in the 1930s

    Paedagogica Historica

    Amanda Marie Slaten Frasier (2015)

    Schooling in the Kovno Ghetto: cultural reproduction as a form of defiance

    Paedagogica Historica

    Alberto Martínez Boom (2015)

    Governed and/or schooled

    Paedagogica Historica

    Ingrid Brühwiler (2015)

    Teachers' remarks about their salaries in 1800 in the Helvetic Republic

    Paedagogica Historica

    Juan Manuel Fernández-Soria (2015)

    Workers' Institutes: envisioned community, living community

    Paedagogica Historica

    Sjaak Braster and María del Mar del Pozo Andrés (2015)

    Education and the children's colonies in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939): the images of the community ideal

    Paedagogica Historica

    Núria Padrós Tuneu, Isabel Carrillo Flores, Josep Casanovas Prat, Pilar Prat Viñolas, Antoni Tort Bardolet and Anna Gómez Mundó (2015)

    The Spanish Civil War as seen through children's drawings of the time

    Paedagogica Historica

    Lieselot De Wilde and Bruno Vanobbergen (2015)

    Between a contaminated past and a compromised future: the case of the Ghent Orphanages (1945-1984)

    Paedagogica Historica

    Jeroen J.H. Dekker and Paul Smeyers (2015)

    Material culture and educational research: an introduction

    Paedagogica Historica

    Alessandra Arce Hai, Frank Simon and Marc Depaepe (2015)

    Translating Ovide Decroly's ideas to Brazilian teachers

    Paedagogica Historica

    Amanda Keddie (2015)

    School autonomy, accountability and collaboration: a critical review

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Rob Smith (2015)

    College re-culturing, marketisation and knowledge: the meaning of incorporation

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Tiago Brandão (2015)

    The European ideal of a university: Portugal's views from the 1950s and 1960s

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Patricia A.L. Ehrensal (2015)

    Waiting for Superleader: leadership as anti-resource discourse

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Lukas Rieppel (2015)

    Plaster cast publishing in nineteenth-century paleontology

    History of Science

    Wayne Wilson (2015)

    Sports Infrastructure, Legacy and the Paradox of the 1984 Olympic Games

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Jan Luitzen and Pascal Delheye (2015)

    Wicket Game: The (Re-)Introduction of Cricket in the Netherlands, 1724-1883

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Michael Krüger and Annette R. Hofmann (2015)

    The Development of Physical-Education Institutions in Europe: A Short Introduction

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Jean Saint-Martin and Michaël Attali (2015)

    The Joinville School and the Institutionalization of a French-Style Physical Education, 1852-1939

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Hans Bonde (2015)

    Niels Bukh's Gymnastics School in Denmark, 1912-1933: Gymnastics, Erotics, and Male Bonding

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Zrinko Čustonja and Dario Å kegro (2015)

    Training and Education for Conducting Physical Education Classes in Croatia since 1875

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Tony Collins (2015)

    Early Football and the Emergence of Modern Soccer, c. 1840-1880

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Anestis Giannakopoulos and Evangelos Albanidis (2015)

    Attempts at the Militarization of Physical Education and Sport During the Dictatorship Period in Greece, 1967-1974

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Hans Bolling and Leif Yttergren (2015)

    Swedish Gymnastics for Export: A Study of the Professional Careers and Lives of Swedish Female Gymnastic Directors, 1893-1933

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Geoffery Z. Kohe (2015)

    Still Playing Together(?): A Recall to Physical Education and Sport History Intersections

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Bernard Lightman (2015)

    Scientific naturalists and their language games

    History of Science

    Robert Snape (2015)

    The New Leisure, Voluntarism and Social Reconstruction in Inter-War Britain

    Contemporary British History

    Martin Johnes (2015)

    History and the Making and Remaking of Wales


    Michael D. Gordin and Kostas Tampakis (2015)

    Introduction: The languages of scientists

    History of Science

    Nicholas Orme (2015)

    Education in Medieval Wales

    Welsh History Review

    Richard Toye (2015)

    Keynes, Liberalism, and 'The Emancipation of the Mind'

    English Historical Review

    Gleb Tsipursky (2015)

    Worker Youth and Everyday Violence in the Post-Stalin Soviet Union

    European History Quarterly

    Rasa Baločkaitė (2015)

    The Hidden Violence of Totalitarianism: Policing Soviet Society in Lithuania

    European History Quarterly

    Sikata Banerjee and Subho Basu (2015)

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    Gender and History

    Caroline Rusterholz (2015)

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    Northern History

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    Does history matter? Colonial education investments in India

    Economic History Review

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    Contemporary European History

    Sianan Healy (2015)

    Race, citizenship and national identity in The School Paper, 1946-1968

    History of Education Review

    Craig Campbell (2015)

    Making the middle class: schooling and social class formation

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    Janice Garaty and Lesley Hughes and Megan Brock (2015)

    Seeking the voices of Catholic Teaching Sisters: challenges in the research process

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    John Ramsland (2015)

    The elite education of Lieutenant Arthur Wheen, MM

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    John Pardy and Lesley F. Preston (2015)

    The great unraveling; restructuring and reorganising education and schooling in Victoria, 1980-1992

    History of Education Review

    Tom G. Griffiths and Jack Downey (2015)

    “What to do about schools?”: The Australian Radical Education Group (RED G)

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    Miguel Ángel Giménez Martínez (2015)

    Great projects and crude realities: Advances and retreats of the educational policy in contemporary Spain

    History of Education Review

    Rebecca Kummerfeld (2015)

    Ethel A. Stephens' “at home”: art education for girls and women

    History of Education Review

    Anne Boxberger Flaherty and Carly Hayden Foster (2015)

    Gateway to Equality: desegregation and the American Association of University Women in St Louis, Missouri

    Women's History Review

    Francois J. Cleophas (2014)

    Opening a Window on Early Twentieth-Century School Sport in Cape Town Society

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Filiz Meşeci Giorgetti (2014)

    New School of Mustafa Satı Bey in Istanbul (1915)

    Paedagogica Historica

    Klaus Dittrich (2014)

    The beginnings of modern education in Korea, 1883-1910

    Paedagogica Historica

    Francesca Comas Rubí, Xavier Motilla-Salas and Bernat Sureda-Garcia (2014)

    Pedagogical innovation and music education in Spain: Introducing the Dalcroze method in Catalonia

    Paedagogica Historica

    Catherine Burke (2014)

    “Fleeting pockets of anarchy”: Streetwork. The exploding school

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    Jean Vigo's Zéro de conduite and the spaces of revolt

    Paedagogica Historica

    Narciso de Gabriel (2014)

    Official and popular culture in the schooling process

    Paedagogica Historica

    Vincent Stolk, Willeke Los & Sjoerd Karsten (2014)

    Education as cultural mobilisation: The Great War and its effects on moral education in the Netherlands

    Paedagogica Historica

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    Cinquante années de débats et de recherches sur l'école française

    Paedagogica Historica

    José Gonçalves Gondra, Carlos Eduardo Vieira, Regina Helena Silva Simões and Claudia Engler Cury (2014)

    History of education in Brazil: the construction of a knowledge field

    Paedagogica Historica

    Malcolm Tight (2014)

    Theory development and application in higher education research: the case of academic drift

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    John Dunleavy (2014)

    England's glory: the Sunday school centenary in 1880

    Local Historian

    N.M.Swerdlow (2014)

    Kepler's Disputation on Copernicus's Opinions

    History of Universities

    Kay Whitehead (2014)

    Kindergarten teachers as leaders of children, makers of society

    History of Education Review

    Lesley F. Preston (2014)

    "How do we learn about sex?"

    History of Education Review

    Suzanne Manning (2014)

    Democracy meets rangatiratanga: Playcentre's bicultural journey 1989-2011

    History of Education Review

    Cary Bennett (2014)

    School based drug education: the shaping of subjectivities

    History of Education Review

    Juile McLeod (2014)

    Space, place and purpose in designing Australian schools

    History of Education Review

    Julie Willis (2014)

    From home to civic: designing the Australian school

    History of Education Review

    Philip Goad (2014)

    Designing Woodleigh School: educator and architects in context

    History of Education Review

    Kay Morris Matthews (2014)

    Locating the real William Coenso: reviewing a thirty year research journey

    History of Education Review

    David Theodore Bottomley (2014)

    The social purpose of Rev. Richard Dawes who taught the philosophy of common things

    History of Education Review

    Mark Freeman (2014)

    Adult Education and Social Mobility in Nineteenth Century Britain: A Case Study

    History of Education Researcher

    Don Harrison (2014)

    How Oxfam became 'inevitably involved in education' in England by the 1970s

    History of Education Researcher

    Scott C. Esplin & E. Vance Randall (2014)

    Living in two worlds: the development and transition of Mormon education in American society

    History of Education

    Gisli Thorsteinsson & Brynjar Ólafsson (2014)

    Otto Salomon in Nääs and his first Icelandic students in Nordic Sloyd

    History of Education

    Patricia Delgado-Granados & Gonzalo Ramírez-Macías (2014)

    Labour Universities: physical education and the indoctrination of the working class

    History of Education

    Lisa Pine (2014)

    The NS-Ordensburgen: training for political leadership

    History of Education

    Frances Foster (2014)

    Reconstructing Virgil in the classroom in late antiquity

    History of Education

    Narciso de Gabriel (2014)

    The entrance of women into the teaching profession in Spain (1855-1940)

    History of Education

    Piet van der Ploeg (2014)

    The salient history of Dalton education in the Netherlands

    History of Education

    Benjamin Justice (2014)

    Review Article: Mass incarceration and the making of citizens

    History of Education

    Gavin Moodle (2014)

    Gutenberg's effects on universities

    History of Education

    Kristen D. Nawrotzki (2014)

    Obituary: Kevin Brehony (1948 - 2013)

    History of Education

    Brian Fleming & Judith Harford (2014)

    Irish educational policy in the 1960s: a decade of transformation

    History of Education

    Richard Aldrich (2014)

    Obituary: Dennis Dean (1934-2014)

    History of Education

    Michael Shattock (2014)

    Can we still speak of there being an academic profession?

    History of Education

    Ivor Goodson (2014)

    Context, curriculum and professional knowledge

    History of Education

    Matthew Adams (2014)

    The Introduction of Greek into English Schools

    Greece and Rome

    Lucy Robinson andChris Warne (2014)

    Investigating the sixties at a sixties institution: teaching as historiography

    Historical Research

    Peter Mandler (2014)

    Educating the Nation I: Schools

    Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

    Peter Yeandle (2014)

    'Heroes into Zeroes'? The Politics of (Not) Teaching England's Imperial Past

    Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History

    Robin Simmons (2014)

    Further education outside the jurisdiction of local education authorities in post-war England

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Jenny Collins (2014)

    Creating spaces in a male domain: Sister Principals in Catholic schools, 1850-1974

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Stuart Macintyre (2014)

    A sense of tradition: R.J.W. Selleck and the purpose of educational history

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Peter Freebody (2014)

    Geoffrey Sherington and the history of Australian education: 'ideas of use to a needy world'

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Tim Allender and Tom O'Donoghue (2014)

    Identity dystopias, empire framing and theoretical hegemonies: two case studies, India and Ireland

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Joyce Goodman (2014)

    Education, internationalism and empire at the 1928 and 1930 Pan-Pacific Women's Conferences

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Gary McCulloch (2014)

    Interdisciplinarity in action: the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies, 1964-2002

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Julia Horne (2014)

    Looking from the inside out: rethinking university history

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Roger Openshaw (2014)

    Revisiting New Zealand's radical educational reforms: continuities and disjunctures

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Tanya Fitzgerald (2014)

    Scholarly traditions and the role of the professoriate in uncertain times

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Richard Aldrich (2014)

    In search of 'time-tested truths': historical perspectives on educational administration

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Eric Hoyle and Mike Wallace (2014)

    Organisational studies in an era of educational reform

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Gary McCulloch (2014)

    Birth of a field: George Baron, educational administration and the social sciences in England, 1946-1978

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Eric Bolton (2014)

    HMI inspection between 1968 and 1991

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Jacky Lumby (2014)

    Leadership preparation: engine of transformation or social reproduction?

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Kay Fuller (2014)

    Looking for the women in Baron and Taylor's (1969) Educational administration and the social sciences

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Ron Glatter (2014)

    Educational administration 1969-2014: reflections on pragmatism, agency and reform

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Scott C. Esplin, E. Vance Randall, Casey P. Griffiths and Barbara E. Morgan (2014)

    Isolationism, exceptionalism, and acculturation: the internationalisation of Mormon education in Mexico

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Edith Mukudi Omwami (2014)

    Agentive role of government in African education: North Nyanza, 1890-1920

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Lily Mafela (2014)

    Hegemony and accommodation in the history curriculum in colonial Botswana

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Adah Ward Randolph (2014)

    Presidential Address African-American Education History-A Manifestation of Faith

    History of Education Quarterly

    Christopher Robert Bischof (2014)

    “A Home for Poets”: The Liberal Curriculum in Victorian Britain's Teachers' Training Colleges

    History of Education Quarterly

    Michelle M. K. Morgan (2014)

    A Field of Great Promise: Teachers' Migration to the Urban Far West, 1890-1930

    History of Education Quarterly

    Donald Warren (2014)

    American Indian Histories as Education History

    History of Education Quarterly

    KuuNUx TeeRIt Kroupa (2014)

    Education as Arikara Spiritual Renewal and Cultural Evolution

    History of Education Quarterly

    Ute Elisabeth Chamberlin (2014)

    Practical Reformers: Women School Owners in Imperial Germany

    History of Education Quarterly

    Linda M. Perkins (2014)

    Merze Tate and the Quest for Gender Equity at Howard University: 1942-1977

    History of Education Quarterly

    Jennifer Powell McNutt and Richard Whatmore (2013)

    The Attempts to Transfer the Genevan Academy to Ireland and to America, 1782 - 1795

    Historical Journal

    Nelleke Bakker (2013)

    Cylinders and séances: Elise van Calcar and the spirit of Froebel

    History of Education

    Richard Aldrich (2013)

    Biographical Sketch: Roy Lowe

    History of Education

    William H. Reese (2013)

    In search of American progressives and teachers

    History of Education

    Yoko Yamasaki (2013)

    Continuing the conversation: British and Japanese progressivism

    History of Education

    Clyde Chitty (2013)

    The educational legacy of Francis Galton

    History of Education

    David Crook (2013)

    Politics, politicians and English comprehensive schools

    History of Education

    Richard Aldrich (2013)

    Neuroscience, education and the evolution of the human brain

    History of Education

    Paul Sharp (2013)

    Obituary: Peter Gosden (1927-2012)

    History of Education

    John L. Rury & Shirley Hill (2013)

    An end of innocence: African-American high school protest in the 1960s and 1970s

    History of Education

    Maria Tamboukou (2013)

    Educating the seamstress: studying and writing the memory of work

    History of Education

    Maria Jesus Vera-Cazorla (2013)

    The grammar school at the Cathedral of the Canary Islands (1563-1851)

    History of Education

    Janet L. Nelson (2013)

    Alfred of Wessex at a cross-roads in the history of education

    History of Education

    Tom O'Donoghue & Judith Harford (2013)

    Addressing the apparent paradox of the Catholic sister principal: 1940-1965

    History of Education

    Richard Aldrich (2013)

    The British and Foreign Schools Society, Past and Present

    History of Education Researcher

    Qinhua Guo (2013)

    Architecture and Planning of Educational Institutions in Traditional China

    History of Education Researcher

    Hugh Morrison (2013)

    Theorising missionary education: the Bolivian Indian Mission 1908-1920

    History of Education Review

    Kerstin Holmlund (2013)

    Poor laws and schooling in Stockholm

    History of Education Review

    Josephine May, Helen Procter (2013)

    Being special: memories of the Australian public high school, 1920s-1950s

    History of Education Review

    Malcolm David Prentis (2013)

    Guthrie Wilson and the trans-Tasman educational career

    History of Education Review

    Jeroen Starting (2013)

    Caroline Pratt's political, toy manufacturing, and educational life, 1896-1921

    History of Education Review

    Jenny Collins, Tim Allender (2013)

    Knowledge transfer, educational change, and the history of education

    History of Education Review

    Kelvin McQueen (2013)

    Beyond bounds? The terrorist teachers of Lev Vygotsky

    History of Education Review

    David Papajik (2013)

    The Development of Olomouc University from 1573 to the present

    History of Universities

    Joel T Rosenthal (2013)

    All Hail the Alma Mater: Writing College Histories in the U.S.

    History of Universities

    Stephanie Spencer (2013)

    Boarding School Fictions: schoolgirls' own communities of learning

    Women's History Review

    Stewart R. Clegg, Walter P. Jarvis & Tyrone S. Pitsis (2013)

    Making strategy matter: Social theory, knowledge interests and business education

    Business History

    Andy Locketta, Mike Wright & Andrew Wild (2013)

    The co-evolution of third stream activities in UK higher education

    Business History

    Mary Rose, Moira Decter, Sarah Robinson, Sarah Jack & Nigel Lockett (2013)

    Opportunities, contradictions and attitudes: The evolution of university-business engagement since 1960

    Business History


    Childhood and child labour in the British industrial revolution

    Economic History Review

    Elsie Rockwell and Eugenia Roldán Vera (2013)

    State governance and civil society in education: Revisiting the relationship

    Paedagogica Historica

    Anne Rohstock and Catherina Schreiber (2013)

    The Grand Duchy on the Grand Tour: a historical study of student migration in Luxembourg

    Paedagogica Historica

    Renê Trentin Silveira (2013)

    Education policy and national security in Brazil in the post-1964 context

    Paedagogica Historica

    Piet van der Ploeg (2013)

    The Dalton Plan: recycling in the guise of innovation

    Paedagogica Historica

    Anne-Lise Halvorsen and Jeffrey E. Mirel (2013)

    Intercultural education in Detroit, 1943-1954

    Paedagogica Historica

    Leonora Eugenia Reyes-Jedlicki, María Isabel Toledo Jofré and María Loreto Egaña Baraona (2013)

    École, communauté et sujet enseignant. Le projet historique de l'École Consolidée Miguel Dávila Carson. Chili, 1953-1977

    Paedagogica Historica

    Paulí Dávila, Luis M. Naya and Hilario Murua (2013)

    Tradition and modernity of the De La Salle Schools: the case of the Basque Country in Franco's Spain (1937-1975)

    Paedagogica Historica

    Carlos Martínez Valle (2013)

    Jesuit psychagogies: an approach to the relations of schooling and casuistry

    Paedagogica Historica

    Peter Scholliers (2013)

    Food recommendations in domestic education, Belgium 1890-1940

    Paedagogica Historica

    António Gomes Ferreira and Luís Mota (2013)

    Memories of life experiences in a teacher training institution during the revolution

    Paedagogica Historica

    Natasha Macnab, Ian Grosvenor and Kevin Myers (2013)

    Moving frontiers of empire: production, travel and transformation through technologies of display

    Paedagogica Historica

    Marcella Pellegrino Sutcliffe (2013)

    The Toynbee Travellers' Club and the Transnational Education of Citizens, 1888-90

    History Workshop Journal

    Arpad Szakolczai (2013)

    In liminal tension towards giving birth: Eros, the educator

    History of Human Sciences

    Tim Stanley (2013)

    On the Path to Salvation

    History Today

    Jill Pellew (2013)

    For the Public Good

    History Today

    Dannielle Joy Davis, Lisa Celeste Green-Derry and Brandon Jones (2013)

    The impact of federal financial aid policy upon higher education access

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Sharon Gewirtz and Alan Cribb (2013)

    Representing 30 years of higher education change: UK universities and the Times Higher

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Rosemary Morgan and Jill Blackmore (2013)

    How parental and school responses to choice policies reconfigure a rural education market in Victoria, Australia

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Richard Bates (2013)

    Educational administration and the management of knowledge: 1980 revisited

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Emiliano Grimaldi and Roberto Serpieri (2013)

    Jigsawing education evaluation. Pieces from the Italian New Public Management puzzle

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Jorunn Møller and Guri Skedsmo (2013)

    Modernising education: New Public Management reform in the Norwegian education system

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Judith Hangartner and Carla Jana Svaton (2013)

    From autonomy to quality management: NPM impacts on school governance in Switzerland

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Maxine Stephenson (2013)

    The third sector and the governance of education

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Michael W. Apple (2013)

    Audit cultures, labour, and conservative movements in the global university

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Kate Rousmaniere (2013)

    Those Who Can't, Teach: The Disabling History of American Educators

    History of Education Quarterly

    Barbara Finkelstein (2013)

    Teaching Outside the Lines: Education History for a World in Motion

    History of Education Quarterly

    James C. Albisetti (2013)

    A Partial Agenda for Modern European Educational History

    History of Education Quarterly

    John R. Thelin (2013)

    Numbers, Please!

    History of Education Quarterly

    Wayne J. Urban (2013)

    Things I Should Have or Could Have Accomplished

    History of Education Quarterly

    Magdalena H. Gross (2013)

    Reclaiming the Nation: Polish Schooling in Exile During the Second World War

    History of Education Quarterly

    Sivan Zakai and Jack Schneider (2013)

    “Now Where Do We Go from Here?” Separateness, Integration, and Pluralism in Philadelphia

    History of Education Quarterly

    Jacob Middleton (2012)

    Spare the Rod

    History Today



    Classical Quarterly


    Rules and reality: quantifying the practice of apprenticeship in early modern England

    Economic History Review

    Marc Matera (2012)

    An Empire of Development: Africa and the Caribbean in God's Chillun

    20th Century British History

    James Stafford (2012)

    'Stay at Home': The Politics of Nuclear Civil Defence, 1968-83

    20th Century British History

    Helle Bjerg Lisa Rosen Rasmussen (2012)

    Prompting techniques: researching subjectivities in educational history

    Oral History

    Brian Harrison (2012)

    College Servants in an Oxford college forty years ago

    Oral History

    Jane Finucane (2012)

    The Invisible Virtuoso: Bengt Skytte and the Royal Society

    History of Universities

    Christopher Stray (2012)

    The Wooden Spoon. Rank (dis)order in Cambridge 1753-1909

    History of Universities

    Katie Wright (2012)

    "Help for wayward children": child guidance in 1930s Australia

    History of Education Review

    Avril Bell, Lesley Patterson, Morgan Dryburgh, David Johnston (2012)

    Emprire to Nationhood: heroism in natural disaster stories for children

    History of Education Review

    J. Carlos Gonzales-Faraco, Anita Gramigna (2012)

    Learning Marginality. Images of the childhood beggars and vagabonds in the literature of nineteenth-century Europe

    History of Education Review

    David Limond (2012)

    Silencing the 'other' Black Paper contributors

    History of Education Review

    Mary Carroll and Sue Reynolds (2012)

    "Disaffection in the Library": shaping a living centre of learning

    History of Education Review

    Sue Anderson-Faithful (2012)

    Mary Sumner and the Maternal Authority: From the Rectory to the Homes of the Nation

    History of Education Researcher

    David Bradshaw (2012)

    The History of Education Society: Its Prehistory, Foundation and Early Years

    History of Education Researcher

    David Griffith (2012)

    The Birkenhead School Board 1893-1903: Duty or Devotion

    History of Education Researcher

    John Howlett and Paul McDonald (2012)

    Actions Speak Louder Than Words: An Application of Intentionality to Educational History 2

    History of Education Researcher

    Ondine Godtschalk (2012)

    A Picture of Health? New Zealand-made Health Education Films 1952-1962

    Social History of Medicine

    Deirdre Raftery and David Crook (2012)

    Editorial: Forty years of History of Education, 1972-2011

    History of Education

    Gary McCulloch (2012)

    The history of secondary education in History of Education

    History of Education

    Deirdre Raftery (2012)

    Religions and the history of education: a historiography

    History of Education

    Angelo Van Gorp (2012)

    REVIEW: School by Cathy Burke and Ian Grosvenor

    History of Education

    Paulí Davila, Luis M Naya & Hilario Murua (2012)

    The educational work of the De la Salle Brothers and popular education in Gipuzkoa in the twentieth century

    History of Education

    Caitlin Donahue Wylie (2012)

    Teaching manuals and the blackboard: accessing historical classroom practices

    History of Education

    James Arthur (2012)

    Christian commentary and education 1930-1960

    History of Education

    Steven Cowan, Gary McCulloch and Tom Woodin (2012)

    From HORSA huts to ROSLA blocks: the school leaving age and the school building programme in England, 1943-1972

    History of Education

    Stephen G. Parker and Rob J.K. Freathy (2012)

    Ethnic diversity, Christian hegemony and the emergence of multi-faith religious education in the 1970s

    History of Education

    Stephen J. Ball (2012)

    The reluctant state and the beginning of the end of state education

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Katie Wright (2012)

    'To see through Johnny and to see Johnny through': the guidance movement in interwar Australia

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Bill Green and Jo-Anne Reid (2012)

    A new teacher for a new nation? Teacher education, 'English', and schooling in early twentieth-century Australia

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Nile Green (2012)

    Parnassus of the Evangelical Empire: Orientalism and the English Universities, 1800-50

    Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History

    Philippe Denis (2012)

    The Beginnings of Anglican Theological Education in South Africa, 1848-1963

    Journal of Ecclesiastical History

    Philippe Denis (2012)

    The Beginnings of Anglican Theological Education in South Africa, 1848-1963

    Journal of Ecclesiastical History

    David Cannadine (2012)

    Horrible Histories

    History Today

    Penney Clark, Mona Gleason andStephen Petrina (2012)

    Preschools for Science: The Child Study Centre at the University of British Columbia, 1960-1997

    History of Education Quarterly

    Bruce A. Kimball andBenjamin Ashby Johnson (2012)

    The Beginning of “Free Money” Ideology in American Universities: Charles W. Eliot at Harvard, 1869-1909

    History of Education Quarterly

    Victoria-María MacDonald andBenjamin Polk Hoffman (2012)

    “Compromising La Causa?”: The Ford Foundation and Chicano Intellectual Nationalism in the Creation of Chicano History, 1963-1977

    History of Education Quarterly

    Campbell F. Scribner (2012)

    “Make Your Voice Heard”: Communism in the High School Curriculum, 1958-1968

    History of Education Quarterly

    Milton Gaither (2012)

    The Revisionists Revived: The Libertarian Historiography of Education

    History of Education Quarterly

    Jon N. Hale (2012)

    The Struggle Begins Early: Head Start and the Mississippi Freedom Movement

    History of Education Quarterly

    Willem Frijhoff (2012)

    Historian's discovery of childhood

    Paedagogica Historica

    Josefina Granja Castro (2012)

    “School retardation” in Mexico from 1920 to 1960: conceptual passages

    Paedagogica Historica

    Anna Larsson (2012)

    The discovery of the social life of Swedish schoolchildren

    Paedagogica Historica

    Annette Joyce Patterson, Phillip Anton Cormack and William Charles Green (2012)

    The child, the text and the teacher: reading primers and reading instruction

    Paedagogica Historica

    Eugenio Otero-Urtaza (2012)

    Manuel B. Cossío's 1882 tour of European education museums

    Paedagogica Historica

    Deirdre Raftery (2012)

    The “mission” of nuns in female education in Ireland, c.1850-1950

    Paedagogica Historica

    Nelleke Bakker and Hilda T.A. Amsing (2012)

    Discovering social inequality: Dutch educational research in the post-war era

    Paedagogica Historica

    Joyce Goodman (2012)

    Women and international intellectual co-operation

    Paedagogica Historica

    Paul G. Fitchett and William Benedict Russell (2012)

    Reflecting on MACOS: why it failed and what we can learn from its demise

    Paedagogica Historica

    Jean-Charles Buttier (2012)

    Un exemple de transfert pédagogique: le catéchisme politique

    Paedagogica Historica

    Francesca Comas Rubí and Bernat Sureda García (2012)

    The photography and propaganda of the Maria Montessori method in Spain (1911-1931)

    Paedagogica Historica

    Patrice Milewski (2012)

    Positivism and post-World War I elementary school reform in Ontario

    Paedagogica Historica

    Philip Gardner (2012)

    The educational afterlife of Greater Britain, 1903-1914

    Paedagogica Historica

    Kaat Wils and Tom Verschaffel (2012)

    Longing for the present in the history of history education

    Paedagogica Historica

    Maria Grever, Pieter de Bruijn and Carla van Boxtel (2012)

    Negotiating historical distance: Or, how to deal with the past as a foreign country in heritage education

    Paedagogica Historica

    Shen Liang and Fan Hong (2012)

    Historical Review of State Policy for Physical Education in the People's Republic of China

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Naofumi Masumoto (2012)

    The Legacy of the Olympic Peace Education of the 1964 Tokyo Olympic Games in Japan

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Matthew Bentley (2012)

    The Rise of Athletic Masculinity at the Carlisle Indian School, 1904-1913

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Gonzalo Ramírez-Macías (2012)

    Women Archetype and Female Physical Education during Franco's Dictatorship

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Danns, D. (2011)

    Northern Desegregation: A Tale of Two Cities

    History of Education Quarterly

    Tamura, E.H. (2011)

    Narrative History and Theory

    History of Education Quarterly

    Coloma, R.S. (2011)

    Who's Afraid of Foucault? History, Theory, and Becoming Subjects

    History of Education Quarterly

    Beadie, N. (2011)

    Probing the Deep: Theory and History

    History of Education Quarterly

    Rury, J.L. (2011)

    History, Theory, and Education

    History of Education Quarterly

    Urban, W.J. (2011)

    The Proper Place of Theory in Educational History?

    History of Education Quarterly

    Butchart, R.E. (2011)

    What's Foucault Got to Do with It? History, Theory, and Becoming Subjected

    History of Education Quarterly

    Weiler, K. (2011)

    'What Happens in the Historian's Head?

    History of Education Quarterly

    Murphey, K.A. (2011)

    A Matter of Class

    History of Education Quarterly

    Franklin, V.P. (2011)

    Reflections on History, Education, and Social Theories

    History of Education Quarterly

    Thelin, J. (2011)

    College Sports Since World War II

    History of Education

    Popkewitz, T. (2011)

    Curriculum history, schooling and the history of the present

    History of Education

    Herman, F., Van Gorp, A., Simon, F., and Depaepe, M. (2011)

    The school desk: from concept to object

    History of Education

    Gheda, P. (2011)

    The Italian Universita per Stranieri of Perugia 1920 to 1990

    History of Education Review

    Jacobs, A., and Leach, C. (2011)

    Teacher training and the public good: the University of Winchester Alumni Project

    History of Education

    Palmer Peterson, A. (2011)

    Academic conceptions of a United States Peace Corps

    History of Education

    Donnelly, J., and Ryder, J. (2011)

    The pursuit of humanity: curriculum change in English school science

    History of Education

    Ko, P.Y., and Adamson, B. (2011)

    Pedagogy and human dignity - the Special Rank Teacher in China since 1978

    History of Education

    Hendrick, H. (2011)

    Review article: Mapping the Victorian child's inner world

    History of Human Sciences

    Bowen, P. (2011)

    Gypsy Education in Kent and the Campaign of Norman Dodds MP, 1950-1965

    History of Education Researcher

    Morphett, G., and Whitehead, K. (2011)

    Marginalizing Married Women Teachers in South Australia from the 1870s

    History of Education Researcher

    Clews, C. (2011)

    Decline and Renewal: The New Education Fellowship (NEF) 1945-1955

    History of Education Researcher

    Broom, C. (2011)

    Power and Control: Managing Public Education Past and Present

    History of Education Researcher

    Rockwell, E. (2011)

    Popular education and the logics of schooling

    Paedagogica Historica

    Campos Mendonca, A.W.P., Vansconcelos, C., and Celi, M. (2011)

    La Genese du concept d'education publique au Portugal et au Bresil

    Paedagogica Historica

    Burke, C., and Grosvenor, I. (2011)

    The Hearing School: an exploration of sound and listening in the modern school

    Paedagogica Historica

    Howlett, J., and MacDonald, P.H. (2011)

    Quentin Skinner, intentionality and the history of education

    Paedagogica Historica

    Warmington, P., Van Gorp, A., Grosvenor, I. (2011)

    Education in motion: uses of documentary film in educational research

    Paedagogica Historica

    Martins, C., Cabaleira, H., and Ramos do O, J. (2011)

    The Other and the Same: images of rescue and salvation in the Portuguese documentary film Children's Parks (1945)

    Paedagogica Historica

    Burke, C., and Cunningham, P. (2011)

    Ten Years On: making children visible in teacher education and ways of reading video

    Paedagogica Historica

    Middleton, S. (2011)

    Schooling of labouring migrants, Surrey to Wellington 1841-1844

    History of Education Review

    Halsey, R.J. (2011)

    The establishment of area schools in South Australia, 1941-1947

    History of Education Review

    Potts, A. (2011)

    College voices: what have we lost

    History of Education Review

    Barcan, A. (2011)

    The arrival of the New Left at Sydney University, 1967-1972

    History of Education Review

    Orme, N. (2011)

    The Great Escape

    History Today

    Zaretsky, R. (2011)

    A Sentimental Education

    History Today

    Edwards, E., Tanner, D., and Carlin, P. (2011)

    The Conservative Governments and the Development of Welsh Language Policy in the 1980s and 1990s

    Historical Journal

    Sela, O., and Laron, D. (2011)

    A bridge between seminar and university: the English Department at Oranim College, 1971-2001

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Smith, D.V. (2011)

    Neo-liberal individualism and a new essentialism: a comparison of two Australian curriculum documents

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Eacott, S. (2011)

    Preparing 'educational' leaders in managerialist times: an Australian story

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Dhillon, S., Hamilton-Victor, R., Jeens, D., Merrick, S., O'Brien, J., Siddons, N., Smith, R., and Wilkins, B. (2011)

    Skills for Life: insights from the new 'professionals'

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Smyth, J. (2011)

    The disaster of the 'self-managing school' - genesis, trajectory, undisclosed agenda, and effects

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Court, M., and O'Neill, J. (2011)

    'Tomorrow's Schools' in New Zealand: from social democracy to market managerialism

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Derouet, J.L., and Normand, R. (2011)

    Caesars and Rubicon: the hesitations of French policymakers in identifying a Third Way in education and training

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Rawlins, P., Hansen, S., and Jorgensen, L. (2011)

    Immigrant or refugee: perceived effects of colonisation of academia by market forces

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Arnott, M. (2011)

    'The more things change...?': the Thatcher years and educational reform in Scotland

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Blackmore, J. (2011)

    Lost in Translation? Emotional intelligence, affective economies, leadership and organizational change

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Staunæs, D. (2011)

    Governing the potentials of life itself? Interrogating the promises in affective educational leadership

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Thomson, P. (2011)

    Creative leadership: a new category or more of the same?

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Lupton, R. (2011)

    'No change there then!' (?): the onward march of school markets and competition

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Raffo, C. (2011)

    Barker's ecology of disadvantage and educational equity: issues of redistribution and recognition

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Greenberg, U. (2011)

    Germany's Postwar Re-education and its Weimar Intellectual Roots

    Journal of Contemporary History

    Curtis, M. (2011)

    Education in a Nineteenth-Century Oxfordshire Village

    Local Historian

    Wallis, P., and Webb, C. (2011)

    The education and training of gentry sons in early modern England

    Social History

    Mangan, J.A. (2011)

    In Memoriam: The Great War - John Bain, Elegist of Lost Boys and Lost Boyhood

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Mangan, J.A., and Hickey, C. (2011)

    Rescued From Obscurity: Forgotten of the Great War - Elementary Schoolteacher Sportsmen at the Front

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Bowers, M.T., and Hunt, T.M. (2011)

    The President's Council on Physical Fitness and the Systematisation of Children's Play in America

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Combeau-Mari, E. (2011)

    The Protestant Mission and Youth Movements

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Combeau-Mari, E. (2011)

    The Catholic Mission, Sport and Renewal of Elites: St Michel de Tananarive Jesuit College (1906-1975)

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Hickey, C.F. (2011)

    'A Potent and Pervasive Ideology': Athleticism and the English Elementary School

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Cronin, M. (2011)

    'Trinity Mysteries': responding to a chaotic reading of Irish History

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Kelly, S. (2011)

    Education of Tubercular Children in Northern Ireland, 1921-1955

    Social History of Medicine

    Tankard, D. (2010)

    The Weald and Downland Open Air Museum 1970 to 2010

    Local Historian

    Dolan, B. (2010)

    History, Medical Humanities and Medical Education

    Social History of Medicine

    Mangan, J.A. (2010)

    Bullies, Beatings, Battles and Bruises: 'Great Days and Jolly Days' at One Mid-Victorian Public School

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Mangan, J.A. (2010)

    Athleticism: A Case Study of the Evolution of an Educational Ideology

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Mangan, J.A. (2010)

    Social Darwinism and Upper-Class Education in Late Victorian and Edwardian England

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Mangan, J.A. (2010)

    Almond of Loretto: Scottish Educational Visionary and Reformer

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Mangan, J.A. (2010)

    Soccer as Moral Training: Missionary Intentions and Imperial Legacies

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Mangan, J.A. (2010)

    Imperial Origins: Christian Manliness, Moral Imperatives and Pre-Sri Lankan Playing Fields

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Mangan, J.A. (2010)

    Noble Specimens of Manhood: Schoolboy Literature and the Creation of a Colonial Chivalric Code

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Vertinsky, P. (2010)

    From Physical Educators to Mothers of the Dance: Margaret H'Doubler and Martha Hill

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Wrynn, A.M. (2010)

    Eliza Maria Mosher: Pioneering Woman Physician and Advocate for Physical Education

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Zieff, S.G. (2010)

    Leading the Way in Science, Medicine and Physical Training: Female Physicians in Academia, 1890-1930

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Park, R.J. (2010)

    Women as Leaders: What Women Have Attained In and Through the Field of Physical Education

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Finn, G.P.T. (2010)

    Trinity Mysteries: University, Elite Schooling and Sport in Ireland

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Aldrich, R. (2010)

    Education for survival: an historical perspective

    History of Education

    Steele, T., and Taylor, R.K. (2010)

    Oldham's Moot (1938-1947), the universities and the adult citizen

    History of Education

    Watras, J. (2010)

    UNESCO's programme of fundamental education, 1946-1959

    History of Education

    Milewski, P. (2010)

    Educational reconstruction through the lens of archaeology

    History of Education

    Freeman, M. (2010)

    The decline of the adult school movement between the wars

    History of Education

    Saint, A. (2010)

    Battersea: education in a London parish since 1750

    History of Education

    Medway, P., and Kingwell, P. (2010)

    A curriculum in its place: English teaching in one school, 1946-1963

    History of Education

    Livingstone, D. (2010)

    Keeping knowledge in site

    History of Education

    Clarke, S., and Wildy, H. (2010)

    Preparing for principalship from the crucible of experience: reflecting on theory, practice and research

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Morrison, M. (2010)

    Citizens now and for the future? Leaders, learners, 14-19 Reform in England. Messages from research

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Spencer, S. (2010)

    Educational administration, history and 'gender as a useful category of historical analysis'

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Tamboukou, M. (2010)

    Narratives from within: an Arendtian approach to life histories and the writing of history

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Witherspoon, N., and Taylor, D. (2010)

    Spiritual weapons: Black female principals and religio-spirituality

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Sherman, W., and Beaty, D. (2010)

    Using feminist phase theory to portray women in the principalship across generations in the USA

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Allen, J. (2010)

    Gender, British administration and mission management of education in Zambia 1900-1939

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Gunter, H., and Thomson, P. (2010)

    Life on Mars: headteachers before the National College

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Mac Ruairc, G. (2010)

    This way please! Improving school leadership: the OECD way

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Jwan, J., Anderson, L., and Bennett, N. (2010)

    Democratic school leadership reforms in Kenya: cultural and historical challenges

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    White, J. (2010)

    Speaking 'over' performativity

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Harris-Hart, C. (2010)

    National curriculum and federalism: the Australian experience

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Popescu, A.C. (2010)

    The decentralisation of the school system in post-communist Romania

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Potts, A., Edwards, D., and Smith, D. (2010)

    Disciplinary cultures in an Australian college of advanced education

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Gronn, P. (2010)

    Leadership: its genealogy, configuration and trajectory

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Lang, S. (2010)

    Where's the knowledge?

    History Today

    Forsyth, H. (2010)

    Academic work in Australian universities in the 1940s and 1950s

    History of Education Review

    Urban, W. (2010)

    Australia and New Zealand through America eyes: The 'eyes' have it

    History of Education Review

    Dean, C. (2010)

    A yarning place in narrative histories

    History of Education Review

    Sherington, G., and Horne, J. (2010)

    Empire, state and public purpose in the founding of universities and colleges in the Antipodes

    History of Education Review

    Cardon-Quint, C. (2010)

    L'enseigement du francais a l'epreuve de la democratisation (1959-2001)

    Paedagogica Historica

    Urban, W.J. (2010)

    James Bryant Conant and equality of educational opportunity

    Paedagogica Historica

    Wechsler, H.S. (2010)

    Brewing bachelors: the history of the Universit of Newark

    Paedagogica Historica

    Milewski, P. (2010)

    The scientisation of schooling in Ontario, 1910-1934

    Paedagogica Historica

    Lawn, M., Deary, I.J., Bartholomew, D.J., and Brett, C. (2010)

    Embedding the new science of research: the organisaed culture of Scottish educational research in the mid-twentieth century

    Paedagogica Historica

    Bakker, N. (2010)

    Before Ritalin: children and neurasthenia in the Netherlands

    Paedagogica Historica

    Clark, M.L. (2010)

    Teaching writing in the Republic of Colombia, 1800-1850

    Paedagogica Historica

    De Fario Falho, L.M., and Fonseca, M.V. (2010)

    Political culture, schooling and subaltern groups in the Brazilian Empire (1822-1850)

    Paedagogica Historica

    Sargeant, L.M. (2010)

    Whoever can speak, can sing

    Paedagogica Historica

    Pirenne-Delforge, H. (2010)

    Nourricieres d'immortalite: Demeter, Hera et autres deesses en pays grec

    Paedagogica Historica

    Dasen, V. (2010)

    Des nourrices grecques a Rome?

    Paedagogica Historica

    Hardach-Pinke, I. (2010)

    Intercultural education by governesses (seventeenth to twentieth century)

    Paedagogica Historica

    Morel, M.F. (2010)

    Images de nourrices dans la France des XVIIIe et XIXe siecles

    Paedagogica Historica

    Bloch, F. (2010)

    Prendre soin d'un enfant, un travail comme un autre?

    Paedagogica Historica

    McDermid, J. (2010)

    Blurring the Boundaries: school board women in Scotland, 1873-1919

    Women's History Review

    Howlett, J., and McDonald, P. (2010)

    Method in the Meaning: Intentionality and the Re-visioning of Progressivism

    History of Education Researcher

    Robinson, W. (2010)

    Revisiting Teacher Professional Development: Past and Present Models 1920-2008

    History of Education Researcher

    Smith, J.T. (2010)

    The Geographical Distribution of Wesleyan Schools, 1860-1910

    History of Education Researcher

    Howlett, J., and McDonald, P. (2010)

    Good Intentions Count: An Application of Intentionality to Educational History

    History of Education Researcher

    Gold, D. (2010)

    Students Writing Race at Southern Public Women's Colleges, 1884-1945

    History of Education Quarterly

    Gough, R.J. (2010)

    High School Inspection by the University of Wisconsin, 1877-1931

    History of Education Quarterly

    Urban, W.J. (2010)

    The Word from a Walrus: Five Decades of the History of Education Society

    History of Education Quarterly

    Wechsler, H.S. (2009)

    How Getting into College Led Me to Study the History of Getting into College

    History of Education Quarterly

    Melby Benowitz, J. (2009)

    Reading, Writing and Radicalism: Right-Wing Women and Education in the Post-War Years

    History of Education Quarterly

    Perez, M.R. (2009)

    Chicos, Chucos, and Chamacos: Perspectives in Chicana/o Educational History

    History of Education Quarterly

    Albisetti, J.C. (2009)

    Froebel Crosses the Alps: Introducing the Kindergarten in Italy

    History of Education Quarterly

    Nawrotzki, K.D. (2009)

    'Greatly Changed for the Better': Free Kindergartens as Transatlantic Reformance

    History of Education Quarterly

    Rose, E. (2009)

    Poverty and Parenting: Transforming Early Education's Legacy in the 1960s

    History of Education Quarterly

    Ramsey, P.J. (2009)

    In the Region of Babel: Public Bilingual Schooling in the Midwest, 1840s-1880s

    History of Education Quarterly

    Gasman, M., and Drezner, N.D. (2009)

    A Maverick in the Field: The Oram Group and Fundraising in the Black College Community during the 1970s

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    Leach, C. and Jacobs, A. (2009)

    'More Men Would Have Been More Fun': The University of Winchester Alumni Voices Project

    History of Education Researcher

    Lohmann, I., and Mayer, C. (2009)

    Lessons from the history of education for a 'century of the child at risk'

    Paedagogica Historica

    Dekker, J.J.H. (2009)

    Children at risk in history: a story of expansion

    Paedagogica Historica

    Godenzi, L., and Grube, N. (2009)

    Schuler mit Verhaltensauffalligkeiten in Pestalozzis Erziehungsinstituten

    Paedagogica Historica

    Mogarro, M.J., and Martinez, S.A. (2009)

    Unprotected girls and teacher training in Portugal in the second half of the nineteenth century

    Paedagogica Historica

    De Jong-Lambert, W. (2009)

    The new biology in Poland after the Second World War: Polish Lysenkoism

    Paedagogica Historica

    De Coster, T., Simon, F., Depaepe, M. (2009)

    'Alternative' education in Flanders, 1960-2000: transformation of knowledge in a neo-liberal context

    Paedagogica Historica

    Helmchen, J. (2009)

    Les savoirs autour de l'Education Nouvelle

    Paedagogica Historica

    Myers, K. (2009)

    Immigrants and ethnic minorities in the history of education

    Paedagogica Historica

    Novoa, A. (2009)

    Empires overseas and empires at home

    Paedagogica Historica

    Clark, J.G. (2009)

    Humanism and Reform in Pre-Reformation English Monasteries

    Transactions of the Royal Historical Society

    Fernandes, E. (2009)

    School of Shariah

    History Today

    Willis, R. (2009)

    Playful Learning

    History Today

    Dixon, T. (2009)

    America's Difficulty with Darwin

    History Today

    Caughley, V. (2009)

    Her civilising mission: discovering Hannah King through her textiles

    History of Education Review

    Connell, R. (2009)

    The work of teaching

    History of Education Review

    Rousmaniere, K. (2009)

    The great divide: principals, teachers, and the long hallway between them

    History of Education Review

    Morice, L.C. (2009)

    Balancing work and intellectual activity: Boston's Sloyd Training School

    History of Education Review

    Frith, K., and Whitehouse, D. (2009)

    Designing learning spaces that work: a case for the importance of history

    History of Education Review

    Stephenson, M. (2009)

    Setting the record straight: the selection, subordination and silencing of Maata Patene, teacher

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Mncube, V. (2009)

    Perceptions of the principal's role in democratic school governance in South Africa

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Harford, J. (2009)

    The emergence of a national policy on teacher education in Ireland

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Harford, J. (2009)

    The emergence of a national policy on teacher education in Ireland

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Barker, B. (2009)

    Public service reform in education: why is progress so slow?

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Whitehead, K. (2009)

    Making a manly teacher's career in Australia: Victor Pavia, 1856-1934

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Eldridge, K., and Cranston, N. (2009)

    Administrating transnational education: a cross-cultural application of Hodgkinson's values paradigm

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Collins, J. (2009)

    Beyond the domestic sphere? A home science education at the University of New Zealand, 1911-1936

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Smith, J. (2009)

    'No subject... more neglected': Victorian elementary school history, 1862-1900

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    LaNear, J., and Frattura, E. (2009)

    Rowley revisited: through an effective history lens

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Møller, J. (2009)

    Approaches to school leadership in Scandinavia

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Spencer, S. (2009)

    Girls at risk. Early school-leaving and early marriage in the 1950s

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Griffiths, J., Vidovich, L., and Chapman, A. (2009)

    Policy 'partnerships'? Powers dynamics in curriculum reform

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Caruso, M. (2009)

    Liberal governance and the making of hierarchies: Oberlehrer in Munich's elementary schools (1871-1918)

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Morris Matthews, K. (2009)

    Degrees of separations? Early women principals in New Zealand state schools 1876-1926

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Ewing, E.T. (2009)

    A precarious position of power: Soviet school directors in the 1930s

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Rockwell, E. (2009)

    Between community and state: the changing role of the 'director de escuela' in postrevolutionary Mexico

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Spencer, J. (2009)

    A 'new breed' of principal: Marcus Foster and urban school reform in the United States, 1966-1969

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Stevenson, H., and Carter, B. (2009)

    Teachers and the State: forming and re-forming 'partnership'

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Hammersley-Fletcher, L., and Qualter, A. (2009)

    From schools to Higher Education - neoliberal agendas and implications for autonomy

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Youngs, H. (2009)

    (Un)Critical times? Situating distributed leadership in the field

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Hoffman, L. (2009)

    Educational leadership and social activism: a call for action

    Journal of Contemporary History

    Hamilton, D. (2009)

    Patents: a neglected source in the history of education

    History of Education

    McDermid, J. (2009)

    School board women and active citizenship in Scotland, 1873-1919

    History of Education

    Cross, M., Carpentier, C., and Ait-Mehdi, H. (2009)

    Unfulfilled promise: radical discourses in South African educational historiography, 1970-2007

    History of Education

    Mendelsson, D. (2009)

    Embracing Jewish day school education in England, 1965-1979

    History of Education

    Andersson, D.C. (2009)

    Humanism and Natural Philosophy in Renaissance Cambridge: Bodley MS 616

    History of Universities

    Legaspi, M.C. (2009)

    The Quest for Classical Antiquity at Eighteenth-Century Göttingen

    History of Universities

    Craik, A.D.D., and Roberts, A.D. (2009)

    Mathematics teaching, teachers and students at St Andrews University, 1765-1858

    History of Universities

    Bohuon, A., and Luciani, A. (2009)

    Biomedical Discourse on Women's Physical Education and Sport in France (1880-1922)

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Brewster, K., and Brewster, C. (2009)

    The Mexican Student Movement of 1968: An Olympic Perspective

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Huerta, J. (2009)

    Friday Night Rights: South Texas High-School Football and the Struggle for Equality

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Lopez Fernandez, I. (2009)

    The Social, Political and Economic Contexts to the Evolution of Spanish Physical Educationalists (1874-1992)

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Bhattacharya, S.G. (2009)

    Physical Education in the Curriculum: The Case Study of Bethune College

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Pfister, G. (2009)

    The Role of German Turners in American Physical Education

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Winterton, R., and Parker, C. (2009)

    'A Utilitarian Pursuit': Swimming Education in Nineteenth-Century Australia and England

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Rushbrook, P. (2008)

    Lest we forget: the Kapooka Tragedy 1945

    History of Education Review

    Lee, G., and Lee, H. (2008)

    Comprehensive post-primary schooling in New Zealand: 1935-1975

    History of Education Review

    Stephenson, M. (2008)

    Timeless projects: remembering and the voice in the history of education

    History of Education Review

    Trethewey, L. (2008)

    Lucy Spence Morice: 'mother of kindergartens' in South Australia

    History of Education Review

    Acevedo-Rodrigo, A. (2008)

    Ritual literacy: the simulation of reading in rural Indian Mexico, 1870-1930

    Paedagogica Historica

    Oliphant, J. (2008)

    'Touching the light': the invention of literacy for the blind

    Paedagogica Historica

    Edwards, D., and Potts, A. (2008)

    What is literacy? Thirty years of Australian literacy debates (1975-2005)

    Paedagogica Historica

    Goodman, J., and Jacobs, A. (2008)

    Musical literacies in the English inter-war secondary-school classroom

    Paedagogica Historica

    Monteiro, M.I., and Bueno, B.O. (2008)

    Knowledges and practices of successful literacy teachers (Brazil, 1950-1980)

    Paedagogica Historica

    Korppi-Tommola, A. (2008)

    War and children in Finland during the Second World War

    Paedagogica Historica

    Poucet, B. (2008)

    La greve et les syndicats de l'enseignement prive en France

    Paedagogica Historica

    Vermeuil, Y. (2008)

    France: la greve du 'bachot' de 1927

    Paedagogica Historica

    Milewski, P. (2008)

    Teachers' institutes in late nineteenth-century Ontario

    Paedagogica Historica

    Smith, R. (2008)

    To school with the poets: philosophy, method and clarity

    Paedagogica Historica

    Standish, P. (2008)

    Chroniclers and critics

    Paedagogica Historica

    Fendler, L. (2008)

    The upside of presentism

    Paedagogica Historica

    Devlieger, P., Grosvenor, I., Simon, F., Van Hove, G., and Vanobbergen, B. (2008)

    Visualising disability in the past

    Paedagogica Historica

    Pak, M.S. (2008)

    The Yale Report of 1828: A New Reading and New Implications

    History of Education Quarterly

    Kohlstedt, S.G. (2008)

    'A Better Crop of Boys and Girls': The School Gardening Movement, 1890-1920

    History of Education Quarterly

    Byford, A. (2008)

    Psychology at High School in Late Imperial Russia (1881-1917)

    History of Education Quarterly

    Churchill, D.S. (2008)

    Making Broad Shoulders: Body-Building and Physical Culture in Chicago 1890-1920

    History of Education Quarterly

    Howlett, P., and Howlett, C.F. (2008)

    A Silent Witness for Peace: The Case of Schoolteacher Mary Stone McDowell and America at War

    History of Education Quarterly

    Yarrow, A.L. (2008)

    Beyond Civics and the 3 R's: Teaching Economics in the Schools

    History of Education Quarterly

    Anderson, R. (2008)

    Ceremony in Context: The Edinburgh University Tercentenary, 1884

    Scottish Historical Review

    Lubenow, W. C. (2008)

    Roman Catholicism in the University of Cambridge: St Edmund's House in 1898

    Journal of Ecclesiastical History

    Fletcher, A. (2008)

    Polite Accomplishments

    History Today

    Gildea, R. (2008)

    1968 in 2008

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    DeGroot, G. (2008)

    Street-Fighting Men

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    McGrogan, M. (2008)

    Art on the Street

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    Levsen, S. (2008)

    Constructing Elite Identities

    Past and Present

    Duff, T. (2008)

    Models of education in Plutarch

    Journal of Hellenic Studies

    Davies, C.S.L. (2008)

    The Youth and Education of Christopher Wren

    English Historical Review

    Stockwell, A. J. (2008)

    Leaders, Dissidents and the Disappointed: Colonial Students in Britain as Empire Ended.

    Journal of Imperial and Commonwealth History

    Steele, T and Taylor, R. (2008)

    R. H. Tawney and the Reform of the Universities

    History of Education

    Milewski, P. (2008)

    The Little Gray Book: Pedagogy, Discourse and Rupture in 1937

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    Middleton, J. (2008)

    The Experience of Corporal Punishment in Schools, 1890-1940

    History of Education

    Soria, J.M.F. (2008)

    Foundations of Laic Moral Education in Spain

    History of Education

    Mattingly, P., Jarausch, K., Craig, J., Kett, J. and Turner, J. (2008)

    Universities in Europe: North American Perspectives on European Historiography

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    McKinnon Dick, M. and Watts, R. (2008)

    Eighteenth-century education: discourses and informal agencies

    History of Education

    Watts, R. (2008)

    A gendered journey: travel of ideas in England c.1750-1800

    History of Education

    Bloomfield, A and Watts, R. (2008)

    Pedagogue of the dance: the dancing master as educator in the long eighteenth century

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    Beach, J. (2008)

    Soldier education in the British army, 1920-2007

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    Carpentier, V. (2008)

    Quantitative sources for the history of education

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    Myers, K., Grosvenor, I. and Watts, R. (2008)

    Education and globalisation

    History of Education

    Pineau, P. (2008)

    Education and globalisation: a Latin American perspective

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    Hall, C. (2008)

    Making colonial subjects: education in the age of empire

    History of Education

    Fitzgerald, T. and Gunter, H. (2008)

    Celebrating 40 Years

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Gunter, H. and Fitzgerald, T. (2008)

    Educational administration and history Part 1: debating the agenda

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Fitzgerald, T. and Gunter, H. (2008)

    Educational administration and history Part 2: academic journals and the contribution of JEAH

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Sungaila, H. (2008)

    The history of education and the study of educational administration

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Gosden, P and Stephens, W. B. (2008)

    Twenty-five years of the Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Coles, J. (2008)

    The JEAH and the millennium

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Lowe, R. (2008)

    Trends in the administration and history of education

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Rousmaniere, K. (2008)

    School principals in America: a review of three biographical studies

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Evers, C. and Katyal, K. (2008)

    Educational leadership in Hong Kong schools, 1950-2000: critical reflections on changing themes

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Auchmuty, R. (2008)

    Early Women Law Students at Cambridge and Oxford

    Journal of Legal History

    Mangan, J. A. and McKenzie, C (2008)

    Privileged Education, Hunting and the Making of Martial Masculinity

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Loughlin, K. and Berridge, V (2008)

    Whatever Happened to Health Education? Mapping the Grey Literature Collection Inherited by NICE

    Social History of Medicine

    Mathers, H. (2008)

    Scientific Women in a Co-Educational University: Sheffield 1879-1939

    History of Education Researcher

    Middleton, J. (2008)

    The Ornamental School: Power and Beauty in Late Victorian School Architecture

    History of Education Researcher

    Sherwood, M. (2008)

    Black School Teachers in Britain in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries

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    Ottewill, R. (2008)

    Cotton versus Ashmall: A Microcosmic View of the 1902 Education Act

    History of Education Researcher

    Allsopp, A. (2008)

    Employment Opportunities for Luton Secondary Schoolgirls 1930-1965

    History of Education Researcher

    Renton, D. (2008)

    Six Employment Cases Brought by Teachers (1906-1919)

    History of Education Researcher

    Dupre, S. and Kusukawa, S. (2008)

    Introduction: The Circulation of News and Knowledge in Intersecting Networks

    History of Universities

    Frijhoff, W. (2008)

    Review Essay: Baltic Students in the Early Modern Period

    History of Universities

    Larsen, A. E. (2008)

    Academic Condemnation and the Decline of Theology at Oxford

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    Rothblatt, S. (2008)

    Review Essay: Sitting Down at a Thyestean Banquet of Clap-trap

    History of Universities

    Wright, C., Thompson, S. and Channer, Y (2007)

    Out of Place: Black women academics in British universities

    Women's History Review

    Burley, S (2007)

    Silences and Images in an Australian Catholic School History

    History of Education Researcher

    Courtenay, W. J. (2007)

    The College de Montaigu Before Standonck

    History of Universities

    Bakker, P. J. J. M. (2007)

    The Statutes of the College de Montaigu: Prelude to a Future Edition

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    Brockliss, L. W. B. (2007)

    The College de Montaigu in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries

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    Sylla, E. D. (2007)

    What Went on at the University of Paris in the Fourteenth Century?

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    Paolo de Ceglia, F. (2007)

    Hoffmann and Stahl. Documents and Reflections on the Dispute

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    Schwarzbach, B. E. (2007)

    The Eighteenth Century Confronts Job

    History of Universities

    Haugen, K. L. (2007)

    Review Essay: Academic Charisma and the Old Regime

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    Robinson-Hammerstein, H. (2007)

    Review Essay: Celebrating the Quincentenary of the University of Wittenberg (1502)

    History of Universities

    Darwall-Smith, R. (2007)

    Review Essay: Oxford and Cambridge College Histories: an Endangered Genre

    History of Universities

    Love, C (2007)

    Swimming at the Clarendon schools

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Love, C (2007)

    State schools, swimming and physical training

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Love, C (2007)

    Swimming, service to the empire and Baden-Powell's youth movements

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Park, R. J (2007)

    Sport, Gender and Society in a Transatlantic Victorian Perspective

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Park, R. J (2007)

    Science, Service, and the Professionalization of Physical Education: 1885-1905

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    No Author (2007)

    Epilogue: List of Roberta Park's Publications

    International Journal of the History of Sport

    Jajdelska, E. (2007)

    Pepys in the history of reading

    Historical Journal

    Jackson, L. A. (2007)

    Review Article: Youth and Modernity

    Journal of Contemporary History

    Dale, P. (2007)

    Special Education at Starcross before 1948

    History of Education

    Allender, T. (2007)

    Surrendering a Colonial Domain: Educating North India, 1854-1890

    History of Education

    Rowland, T. and Hatch, G (2007)

    Learning to Teach? The Assistant Lecturer in Colleges of Education 1960-75

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    Sweeting, A. (2007)

    Education in Hong Kong: Histories, Mysteries and Myths

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    Burke, C. (2007)


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    Burke, C. and Ribeiro de Castro, H. (2007)

    The School Photograph: Portraiture and the Art of Assembling the Body of the Schoolchild

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    Spencer, S. (2007)

    A Uniform Identity: Schoolgirl Snapshots and the Spoken Visual

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    Watts, R. (2007)

    Whose Knowledge? Gender, Education, Science and History

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    Marsden, B and Grosvenor, I. (2007)

    David Reeder and the History of Urban Education

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    Limond, D. Lang, J. (2007)

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    McCulloch, G. Goodman, J. and Richardson, W. (2007)

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    Sanderson, M. (2007)

    Educational and Economic History: The Good Neighbours

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    Raftery, D. McDermid, J. and Jones, G. E. (2007)

    Social Change and Education in Ireland, Scotland and Wales: Historiography on Nineteenth-century Schooling

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    Gardner, P. (2007)

    The Life-long Draught: From Learning to Teaching and Back

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    Silver, H. (2007)

    Higher Education and Social Change: Purpose in Pursuit

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    Armstrong, F. (2007)

    Disability, Education and Social Change in England since 1960

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    Rose, J. (2007)

    The History of Education as the History of Reading

    History of Education

    Crook, D. (2007)

    Education, Health and Social Welfare

    History of Education

    Potts, A. (2007)

    New Education, Progressive Education and the Counter Culture

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Whitehead, C. (2007)

    The Concept of British Education Policy in the Colonies 1850-1960

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Roderick, G. (2007)

    Technical Education, the Performance of South Wales Industrialists and the Haldane Commission

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Crook, D. (2007)

    School Broadcasting in the United Kingdom: An Exploratory History

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Fitzgerald, T. (2007)

    An Absent Presence: Women Professors at the University of New Zealand 1911-1961

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Fealy, G. and Harford, J. (2007)

    Nervous Energy and Administrative Ability: The Early Lady Principals and Lady Superintendents in Ireland

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Thomas, R. (2007)

    Corps Values

    History Today

    Willis, R. (2007)

    Learning in the classroom

    History Today

    Kirk, J. A. (2007)

    Crisis at Central High

    History Today

    Smith Crocco, M., Waite, C.L. (2007)

    Education and Marginality: Race and Gender in Higher Education, 1940-1955

    History of Education Quarterly

    Paulet, A. (2007)

    To Change the World: The Use of American Indian Education in the Philippines

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    Johnson, L., Cobb-Roberts, D. And Shircliffe, B. (2007)

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    Gelber, S. (2007)

    Going Back: The Social Contract of the Public University

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    Weiler, K. (2007)

    The case of Martha Deane: Sexuality and Power at Cold War UCLA

    History of Education Quarterly

    Kennedy, K. (2007)

    Eastern Borderlands in German Schoolbooks, 1890-1945

    Paedagogica Historica

    Omolwea, M. (2007)

    UNESCO as a Network

    Paedagogica Historica

    Cooper, S.M. (2007)

    Servants as Educators in Early-Modern England

    Paedagogica Historica

    Cucuzza, H.R., and Spregelburd, R.P. (2007)

    Norme, transgression et anomie: trois moments dans l'histoire de la lecture en Argentine

    Paedagogica Historica

    Herrera, M.C., Díaz, A.V.P., and Suaza, L.M. (2007)

    Between God and Country: Schools Manuals in Social Sciences and Images of the Nation

    Paedagogica Historica

    Goodman, J. and Martin, J. (2007)

    Networks After Bourdieu: Women, Education and Politics from the 1890s to the 1920s

    History of Education Researcher

    Rogers, R. (2007)

    The Politics of Writing the History of French Girls' Education

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    Nielsen, T., and Smith, J. (2007)

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    Clark, W. (2007)

    German physics textbooks in the Goethezeit, part 2

    History of Science

    Selleck, R.J.W. (2006)

    The presence of the past: Melbourne High School in its centenary year

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    Stephenson, M. (2006)

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    Titley, B. (2006)

    Heil Mary: Magdalen asylums and moral regulation in Ireland

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    Gasparini, F., and Vick, M. (2006)

    Picturing the history of teacher education: photographs and methodology

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    McGowan, W.S. (2006)

    Rewriting the responsible parent

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    Whitehead, K. (2006)

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    Oelkers, J. (2006)

    Reformpädagogik vor der Reformpädagogik

    Paedagogica Historica

    Mar del Pozo Andrés, M., and Braster, J.F.A. (2006)

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    Hameline, D. (2006)

    L'éducation nouvelle après l'Education nouvelle

    Paedagogica Historica

    Heiland, H. (2006)

    Fröbels 'Tageblätter'

    Paedagogica Historica

    Carli, S. (2006)

    The New School Movement in Argentina

    Paedagogica Historica

    Smid, H. (2006)

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    Abdeljaouad, M. (2006)

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    Bakker, N. (2006)

    Child Guidance and Mental Health in the Netherlands

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    Moreno Martinez, P.L. (2006)

    The Hygienist Movement and the Modernization of Education in Spain

    Paedagogica Historica

    Tolley, K. (2006)

    Review Essay: Learning in a Consumers' Republic

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    Robbins, J. (2006)

    Review Essay: Three Views into the Hidden World of Higher Education

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    Gutek, G.L. (2006)

    Review Essay: Teaching History and Historians

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    Petrina, S. (2006)

    The Medicalization of Education: A Historiographic Synthesis

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    White, C.M. (2006)

    Moving up the Ranks: Chiefly Status, Prestige, and Schooling in Colonial Fiji

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    Rury, J.L. (2006)

    The Curious Status of the History of Education: A Parallel Perspective

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    Burnett, J. (2006)

    Eat Your Greens

    History Today

    Orme, N. (2006)

    What Did Medieval Schools Do For Us?

    History Today

    Adams, J. (2006)

    Homes in the Country

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    Llewellyn-Jones, R. (2006)

    The Boys of Malagasey

    History Today

    Halliwell, S. Isocrates. (2006)

    Review of Poulakos, T. and Depew, D. (Eds). Isocrates and Civic Education

    Classical Review

    English, J. (2006)

    Empire Day in Britain, 1904-1958

    Historical Journal

    Tyldesley, M. (2006)

    The German Youth Movement and National Socialism: Some Views from Britain

    Journal of Contemporary History

    Strachan, H. (2006)

    Training, Morale and Modern War

    Journal of Contemporary History

    Crook, D. (2006)

    The Cambridge Garden House Hotel Riot of 1970 and its Place in the History of British Student Protests

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Netswera, F. and Mathabe, N. (2006)

    A Pervasive Apartheid? An Analysis of Changing Higher Education in South Africa and its Relationship with the State

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    Huirong, G. (2006)

    The Lives and Careers of Women Leaders in Shanghai

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    Spearman, M. (2006)

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    Sperandio, J. (2006)

    Vision and Leadership in Educational Administration: Sir George White of Norwich (1840-1912)

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    Ribbins, P. (2006)

    History and the Study of Administration and Leadership in Education: Introduction to a Special Issue

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    Samier, E. (2006)

    Educational Administration as a Historical Discipline: An Apologia Pro Vita Historia

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    English, F. (2006)

    Understanding Leadership in Education: Life Writing and its Possibilities

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    Bottery, M. (2006)

    Context in the Study and Practice of Leadership in Education: A Historical Perspective

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    Blackmore, J. (2006)

    Social Justice and the Study and Practice of Leadership in Education: A Feminist History

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    Gunter, H. (2006)

    Knowledge Production in the Field of Educational Leadership: A Place for Intellectual Histories

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    McDermid, J. (2006)

    Gender, National Identity and the Royal (Argyll) Commission of Inquiry into Scottish Education (1864-1867)

    Journal of Educational Administration and History

    Elwyn Jones, G. (2006)

    Education and Nationhood in Wales: An Historiographical Analysis

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    Childs, R. and Bower, B. (2006)

    Teacher Testing and Certification: An Historical Perspective from Ontario

    Journal of Educational Administration and History